Lots of great info and resources here as usual.
The subject hasn't gotten stagnant to me personally, however I am bored of a lot of the "production" efforts. There's only one group (small town monsters) currently turning out good content on bigfoot and it's because there's little to no fluff for viewers. You get the story then make up your own mind. As for research I kinda stopped watching every one else except the OP, Darby Orcutt, and the kid from the UK with the old world primate DNA showing up. Kinda got me out of the mindset of keeping up with the Joneses on hardware and technology and just sticking to doing what I do best, and that's tracking and ecology studies.
I just go out, enjoy the wilderness, take pics, and conduct the occasional survey or official study. If your close to WV I'm open for any of y'all to come out with me anytime. I've got some updating to do over on the southern WV/ Wineberry thread. Good topic