Let's pretend we have a magic scent for attracting Bigfoot. Pick any scent you wish: Food, cooked food, animal hormones, and so on. Further, assume the scent has a bit of a carrying effect. That is, if the scent is attracting effectively, we might assume each hanging sample may draw Bigfoot from several feet away to 100 yards of more away. It probably isn't reasonable to assume miles away but I'm open to the fact it could be miles.
Just like trial cams the distribution has to be dense enough to catch bigfoot in its orbit. Trail cams might be limited by the line of sight which might be a short distance only. A scent can travel far so long as it is fresh. That's a clear advantage over trail cams. Yet don't you then need a trail cam for every scent in order to catch bigfoot in the first place?
I would say one might need a massive amount of hanging Bigfoot Candy in trees to 'catch' a traveling bigfoot. Those numbers are probably going to need to be high and spread out over a very big area. If you had 100 of these and spread them over Roger and Bob's Bluff Creek/ National Forrest are 100 really going to cover more than a couple miles at best?
I love the idea, but the numbers need to be massive even in a bigfoot 'hot spot' assuming one even knows such a hot spot is a hot spot.
1) We don't know the magic scent
2) If we did the scent, it may have a short shelf life like milk going bad after a bit.
3) We probably need a lot of these and the manpower to distribute them
4) Need to go to a target rich environment where Bigfoot is thought to be/recent tracs.