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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2024 in all areas

  1. There is a quote in Sasquatch Odyssey that comes to mind. Its something along the lines of "people who believe in Sasquatch are already contrarian to societal beliefs and that can make them prone to being extremely stubborn, which makes playing nicely in a group difficult." I like this idea, and wish I could do it. One day when the kids are grown and I've retired... Setting up a few campsites, spread out around a central operating base would be my preference. I like you guys, but the ability to get away from other people at the end of the day, especially people I don't know all that well, would be nice. You can also get more coverage that way. This also gives you the chance to try out more things in separate environments. No tech vs. higher tech, bait vs. no bait, etc.
    1 point
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