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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2024 in all areas

  1. Myself, I don't troll, I merely assist folks who fail to grasp basic concepts.... But seriously, I take "share your knowledge" to heart, and expand that to include theorizing and conjecture, which does, at times, lead to somewhat lengthy ramblings.... But this video does give insights to the mindset of, say, those people who join FB sasquatch groups only to tell people they didn't have the experiences they did..something I find quite curious...
    1 point
  2. I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical of Mike's claims. I'm skeptical of those claiming he's hoaxing. I'm skeptical of the guy claiming to hoax him. There's a fundamental principle we can apply if we are going to be rigorous instead of being knee jerk ... fools. Until we know, we don't know. Until we know what is, we don't know what can't be. Certainty of opinion does not equate to knowledge .. that's a form of narcissism. I think we need to allow this to be an unanswered question, something that may be uncomfortable to those who need an answer even if it is wrong more than they need the truth. We don't have the truth. So IMHO we need to let this stay a question, neither accepting nor rejecting, just watching .. then see what unfolds. Gotta remember how many people believed the so-called debunking of the PGF simply because they had an emotional need for it to be a hoax. Yet it has never been debunked. It has not been proven, either. Lack of a viable means of hoaxing does not eliminate a hoax any more than lack of proof of bigfoot is proof of lack of bigfoot. We need to let this be a question. As they say, 'just sit with it', and not try to force an answer where there isn't one.
    1 point
  3. I just finished reading Ron's book on the sounds and its a fairly quick, breezy read. I too find the sounds very intriguing and if you asked me if I was certain they were Squatch made, I would be forced to say no. I mean, I don't think you can be absolutely certain. My brain has me thinking I heard extremely similar sounds watching a different Bigfoot film only it was during footage of two animals fighting. I seem to recall thinking that it sounded just like the Sierra sounds and I have racked my brain trying to figure it out. I tell you this, i could handle a whoop , a howl, or a wood knock....but that **** chatter would make me ruin my undies. As for Ron's woo aspects, yeah...i automatically dismiss all of that. In no way do I believe Bigfoot teleports to a different dimension, or can turn invisible, and what not. I think our brains try to adapt our mindset to explain the unexplainable so some may think if they can't see a BF but can hear it, it must be an interdimensional being traveling through the cosmos.
    1 point
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