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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2024 in all areas

  1. Yes, long distance calling was sketchy back then, yet Roger was apparently able to connect with DeAtley after hours on a Friday night, and then with the local newspaper as well. DeAtley was also able to connect with some source in order to ship the film and then find a film processor after business hours, where by all common sense nobody was available to answer his call Even stranger is the fact that Al Hodgson was able to notify Rene Dahinden, who was staying in a random hotel in San Francico, that he needs to get his ass up to Willow Creek. How did Al possibly know the number of the place where Rene was staying?? To carry that further, I really want to know how Dahinden arrived from SF at Willow Creek by noon. From my experience of riding buses in CA in the 70's, I would say it is impossible.
    1 point
  2. Those people are from Missouri. ::rimshot::
    1 point
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