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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I know of 2 stages of 'old fart'. Initial stage is 'old fart' and then one progresses to 'older than dirt'. When you think about it, dirt is really old. Always go to the silver hairs because we know stuff.
    3 points
  2. I'm not a hunting 'expert'. I'm just an experienced hunter, and an experienced bench and competitive shooter, and an experienced reloader. Phil Shoemaker is a hunting 'expert'. I found time to be on the internet over the past 40 years because I was on it before Al Gore invented it. I can also perform multiple tasks simultaneously. You can learn to do so as well. I suggest starting your education with a pack of chewing gum and a nice, long dock............
    3 points
  3. No doubt. I was among the earliest participants of BFF 1.0 I can honestly say that BFF 2.0 is a huge improvement in every way. It is certainly the internet destination for sasquatch discussion.
    2 points
  4. So, yes, answering the OP, Bigfooters are well known to get very jealous and hateful towards other BF-ers. Has been going on since the early 60's. Didn't the 4 horsemen hate each other?
    1 point
  5. I think I've only been here for about 20 years : / lol BTW, I watched that entire video with Phil Shoemaker and very much appreciate his expertise and his explanation of that event. Fascinating! Thank-you for sharing that, Huntster. 9mm, full metal jacket perhaps better in that type of situation than my 357 revolver with a jacketed hollow-point due to better penetration and much less recoil. I have to remember: Only the shots that hit their mark really matter and "Don't try to out-swim a bear."
    1 point
  6. I checked: it was 2002, but it sure seemed earlier..........
    1 point
  7. Actually, I forget when the Bigfoot Forum 1.0 opened it's doors, but I think it was back around the 1999-2000 time frame, so I've been playing here for @ 20 years.
    1 point
  8. I don't know if he's a reconstituted version of a previous pest, but I think he got a bit angry after being roundly chastised for examining a turkey hunter through his rifle scope, and he's lashing out.
    1 point
  9. 1) I would just tell a select few, post it on here and leave it at that. 2) Remington 7mm mag BDL when hunting, Either my rugar 357 mag or my 20 gauge turkey shotgun when hiking, because they are light weight. I rarely carry two guns with me. It's either a long gun OR a pistol. I have taken deer, elk, bear, mt. lion and coyotes with the 7mag. These Roosevelt's elk that live in the coastal rain forests of Oregon, my back yard literally, weight about a third more than the American (Rocky Mountain) elk. They can go over 1000 pounds. No problem for the 7mm mag.
    1 point
  10. While down in the Lower 48 (primarily the Southwest), and for defensive purposes, I felt very confident with a 9mm or 45acp, even to defend against black bear and lion. In the city I would have the magazine loaded with 124 grain Remington Golden Sabers, but I knew that when in the outdoors outside of cities I needed +P, higher velocities and a full metal jacket or similar design for greater penetration through large predators. That's how I carried. Then the Shoemaker 9mm shooting rocked the defensive handgun world. Phil was carrying the 9mm for the same reason why most guys want to: it's small, lightweight, unobtrusive, yet has 10 or more rounds ready to go. You feel underarmed, but feel better carrying it than not. His shooting against an 800-900 lb bear proved that +P 9mm solid rounds can be effective big bear defense. I now feel fine with my Sig P-365 daily carry under most circumstances, even in Alaska. It is loaded with an Underwood 147 grain +P FMJ in the pipe, and ten 124 grain Golden Sabers in the magazines, one mag in the gun and another in my pocket. The fully loaded gun, in a pocket holster, weighs a total of 26 ounces. I can consistently hit a salad plate @ 25 yards with three rapidly fired rounds. I carry two more 10 round mags in a tiny camera case in my car loaded with the Underwoods in case I'm going to walk into the woods away from my car. If I'm on a hunting/fishing/exploring trip, I'll keep the Sig on me in camp, but will carry holstered Glock 20 10mm loaded with Underwood 200 grain FMJs into the field as a sidearm. Admittedly, I would not want to shoot any bear with a 9mm, but I also don't want to carry 4 lbs of handgun and holster around with me in camp or on the side of the road, either.........or leave it behind because I'm tired of wearing it. Of course, if hunting, I'll use a rifle suited for the game sought. In my case here in Alaska, that can range from a 243, 30-06, 300 WinMag, to a 338 WinMag, depending on the game and expected field conditions. In open country above tree line, I bring the 300 WinMag (200 grain Accubonds) If in the forest, I'll pack the 338 WinMag (225 Swift A-Frames). If not hunting but in the woods, I carry a Marlin 450 loaded with handloaded 350 grain jacketed flatnosed bullets of three possible manufactures (Hornady Interlocks, Swift A- Frames, or Hawks). The 243 is Mrs. Huntster's caribou getter, or my snowmobile rifle. I consider my knives to be tools, not weapons. I also had a Colt 38 Special revolver that I kept in the Lower 48 that I liked to carry with snake shot in it, but it was stolen. I'm considering acquiring another pocket revolver for that, especially since Mrs. Huntster is whining about trips south in the spring and fall, which is when I want to be here. Since it will be exclusively for viper killing duty, the smaller and lighter, the better. But, really, I should just carry the Remington 11-87 12 gauge loaded up with quail shot for both bird and viper, so I just don't need another revolver. I'm hoping to carry the shotgun around in the Arizona desert this coming winter. It has been a few years since I've hunted birds.
    1 point
  11. Glock 17 w/Crimson Trace griplaser, handheld nitecore EDC27 light, knife, bear spray occasionally. But most of the places I go these days the biggest concern is the people or wild hogs. The bear spray works pretty good on both!
    1 point
  12. Don't go doing this anymore . You are not safe enough to be out with a firearm .
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Nope. In my experience on the BFF, most participants here actually welcome the Sasquatch doubters. That is of course, the doubters who are willing to participate in honest discussions without trolling and without pretending to know things which are unknown. "It's not about believing BF exists or not, I know the answer to that." - MIB That is good for you and for the very few others who have had multiple, unmistakable encounters, MIB. I wish I could say the same thing (i think ), although many witnesses have indicated that 'knowing' is both a blessing and a curse. To most of us, as things stand, it is absolutely a matter of believing, or not believing. That is all we have because, as you know, there is no iron-clad Scientific proof that they exist. If that were not the case then, denying their existence would only be for the realm of those who simply deny as sort of a way of life, much like those who think that we never walked on the moon, etc. etc. etc. lol
    1 point
  15. Forgive me, I am a scientist by nature. If you need to show me the door, go ahead (but be polite, please, that is scientifically appropriate). Sasquatch is just as likely to exist as s/he or they are not likely to exist. What tips my mind in the direction of likely is that people I trust (with my own life and the life of my family members) have had direct sightings. They have no reason to lie about what they saw, they are not attention-seeking. Instead, they whisper, with goosebump-covered arms, periodically cranking their neck in a backwards direction as they talk about what they saw. They are forever impacted. I believe that reaction is real, and believe that it is not sensationalized or manufactured. I've tried (again, I am trained as a scientist) to manufacture goosebumps. My attempts were laughable. Could someone better/smarter/faster than me do that? Sure. I am confident that the people I am speaking of are not capable of that. (For pete's sake they can't make a decent gin and tonic, and all it takes to do that is gin and, well, tonic.) So, I started my own sasquatch journey as a skeptic, intrigued by all sorts of stories I had read (way back to my Scholastic book orders in elementary school). I drift into the believer category based on the experience of individuals I hold in very high regard. @Patterson-Gimlin, you are a scientist as well. I totally understand and respect the consistency of the position you have long taken (and the good humor you demonstrate when people around here kindly poke at you). I appreciate you raising this topic. I also recognize that when a family member has an experience, it is not all that dissimilar to what I have described here. I haven't seen this creature with my own eyes. But I have heard numerous times from trusted friends about what they saw, and the details they repeat to me over years are way more consistent than any lab notebook notes I compiled during my graduate student years. So....in spite of my statement that the scientific likelihood of sasquatch existing is a 50/50 proposition, I can't discount the details I have heard from people I trust. Sometimes that makes me feel like my brain is going to explode because it just doesn't make logical sense. But...it doesn't NOT make logical sense either.
    1 point
  16. Trolling in the kill club category usually does not last long. Whistles are used for alarm / signal and locate. The ass kicking was carried out by Federal law enforcement. Stupid human tricks on National Forest land are not allowed. Only in basements. I posted that you had an interesting story. Story, period. You found one turkey hunter. Funny, the turkey hunter found at least one turkey. You will have to do better with the fire arm scenarios. Scopes are not "HUGE". Scopes are described by the optical characteristics. Moth to a flame, then the flame goes out. Did you lose a bet or is the bet how many pages you can eek out before being banned?
    -1 points
  17. Oh, the woodsman resume call out this is getting good.......
    -1 points
  18. Hey Huntster, I see that you have 28,900+ Posts on here. How can a hunting 'expert' such as you find so much time to be on the internet?
    -3 points
  19. hmm, the way you over describe your weapons and that "FMJ in the pipe" (sorry, that made me chuckle out loud), it sounds like you look for, intend to create or expect trouble. All I need is my Ruger 77mm Mag and the American Yeti is down! I'm not out to bad.ass the world or be a tough guy
    -3 points
  20. Catmandoo, I see that you've retreated to the usual standby here : when you disagree with a member and/or get out whitted, the ole' "TROLL" accusations fly. Do you also run crying to the Admin and hide under the skirts of a Mod?
    -3 points
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