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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey Foxhill, thanks for the re[ply....yeah they really don't like the game cams, busted 2 up pretty good, and they didn't touch any treats for about 2 years at the place I always leave them. Hey JKH, always good to hear from you! October 7th is the big 70, but I'm fit, healthy, goofy as ever, and no health issues......running these woods works magic:) I would have to look back, but don't think I've ever posted a pic of myself on here, always wanted to remain anonymous so here you go.
    3 points
  2. Things I look for now in carry guns is weight , recoil , reloading and rate of accurate fire .I'm not hunting so I won't carry a big bore rifle or a heavy revolver anymore . Don't get me wrong I love wheel guns and own many but I fire semiautos faster and I am able to keep a smaller circle with a 10mm versus a .44 mag wheel gun . Lever guns I also like but again I go back to rate of fire . I'm not hunting so I don't need a bigbore to carry . If I get a jam with semi the drill to clear is pretty fast and smooth.Also I would say 99% of problems you might encounter in a jam is ammo or mag related for a semi . Mud and dirt in a gun can mess up any type of action so agree keep your gun as clean as you can when but it's not a big concern to me because I'm not low crawling through mud
    2 points
  3. My choice even though I haven't bought one yet would be a mini 14 for just about every thing for a long gun and a Glock 29 on my belt or chest depending on holster
    2 points
  4. Tribute to @xspider1 for an excellent thread topic: "Different Circumstances" must include all the various habitats and differing potential threats or hunted quarry which might cause you to consider a different weapon. It must also consider even within your dwelling or camp, since that might be invaded by any manner of dangerous entity. I'll start the thread off with one of the most significant events of late which has both affected my own behavior and reinforced past beliefs: The Phil Shoemaker 9mm Peninsula brown bear shooting:
    1 point
  5. I try to stay away from my deeper thoughts on this subject, the BF community is many now with lots of experts and varying opinions, so better for me to chill, especially since I disagree with a lot of it:) Having said that....Urbans are very quiet around town, way less aggressive and tolerant, after all they know they are in our territory, the wilder ones not so much, this doesn't always apply though, just like their hairless cousins, there are some crazy's out there.
    1 point
  6. Had my best friend and his son report back on a trip they just took. Got flown into Chamberlain basin airstrip. And then back packed out to the lookout at Arctic point. It’s a 72 foot lookout all galvanized overlooking the Salmon River. They saw Elk, some monster Whitetail bucks, heard Wolves one night and caught some nice 20” Trout. It froze on them one night, but over all was pretty hot and dry. Said the trail had only been partially cut out, and the Ranger station at Chamberlain no longer used mules (that’s progress for you I guess). The flew in and out on a Cessna 206. Cant wait to see the pictures!
    1 point
  7. Found this video. So much of that country has burned since I last packed in there probably 15 years ago? Maybe 20.
    1 point
  8. Even recently I was testing various manufactured self defense loads in a certain semi auto handgun, and the load that I liked the most (velocity with proven bullet design) jammed regularly. Not the other loads, just that one. I sold the gun.
    1 point
  9. ^ I'm seeing a definite propensity towards semi-autos vs bolt/lever action rifles and double-action pistols. I get that semi-auto is less recoil, faster shots per second and generally more rounds per re-load which are all significant deciding factors. But I just have to ask; particularly in regard to semi-automatic pistols, do y'all ever have issues with those things jamming? I've seen that happen many times with semi-automatic pistols. With bolt action rifles, I think the spent shell has to be pulled out? I've never seen that happen with a lever action 30-30, or with a revolver (although the shells can stick sometimes on a revolver so they don't just fall out when re-loading). I definitely believe that semi-autos will jam more if they are not used very often and/or if they are not properly cleaned and oiled. I just don't know that much about that because I still have an inclination to stick with my lever action 30-30's and double action .357/38 caliber revolver. Perhaps I should carry all of the above!?
    1 point
  10. I know of 2 stages of 'old fart'. Initial stage is 'old fart' and then one progresses to 'older than dirt'. When you think about it, dirt is really old. Always go to the silver hairs because we know stuff.
    1 point
  11. HA!!!! Ain't gonna be campin' wit YOU LOL!!!! you said They got their ***** kicked. how did you accomplish that with a whistle?
    -1 points
  12. I think you folks are veering away from the topic. If you've had a mis-identification, please post up your story Not everything that goes bump in the night is BF
    -1 points
  13. Catmandoo, I see that you've retreated to the usual standby here : when you disagree with a member and/or get out whitted, the ole' "TROLL" accusations fly. Do you also run crying to the Admin and hide under the skirts of a Mod?
    -1 points
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