As I understand it, as I no longer have the necessary permits, Canadians can only have handguns if they hold an RPAL (Restricted Possession Acquisition License). Holders of these permits must undergo a criminal records check every 24-hours, and can only transport their weapons from their home to a certified shooting range, and back. They must do this without any stops along the way. This means that even stopping for gas is not permitted while your handgun is in your vehicle. It must be transported in an approved, locked case, and ammunition must be transported separate from the weapon in a manner that prevents them from easily being put together (ammo in the glove box, handgun in the trunk). If you are stopped by the cops for any reason, the fact that you have an RPAL will come up on the police computer and you will be asked if you have it with you. If you break ANY of the regulations regarding transporting your firearm, you CAN have it confiscated. This is what I've learned from talking to RPAL owners. As I don't have this permit, I'm not entirely 110% positive on any of this, but since quite a few handgun owners have given me the same information, I can be fairly positive that these are the laws.