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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2024 in all areas

  1. If it exists. A 10, just for fooling all of us and having us arguing its existence!
    1 point
  2. The main issue I see about reporting New things, is not having the voice to carry it far enough to be heard. Without a well established, popular venue, with a reputation for always reporting the truth about all things Bigfoot, your "new things" report, doesn't stand a chance of going further, than anything else reported here, the 2 sites I'm Admin with, or anywhere else. The first obstacle being proof of legitimacy. Think about who posted the stories about the nests and DNA. The idea about the nests, came from researchers ,or Mountain people, (like myself), that would have noticed something like that. I will wager that none us are mentioned, in whomever's report, that sparked the conversation to begin with. The DNA was obviously from Ketchum's camp, or one of a host of many nut case scientists, trying to become famous, by discovering the missing link. To prove anything new, would require at the least, exposing your resources to scrutiny, and divulging where the ultimate proof could be found. That, would basically remove you from any claim to the discovery. I guarantee that those with the, "voice", would surely drown you out. IMHO
    1 point
  3. Having a check list of hoaxers and fakers on hand before you search up, down and sideways may lower your chances to blow a gasket. There are sites that list hoaxers and debunk reports but you should find those on your own. You may like some of the 'old' Sasquatch reports: ( listed on this site ) https://bigfootforums.com/topic/102976-bigfoot-newsletters/#comment-1170320
    1 point
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