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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2024 in all areas

  1. That was my take on it. I would occasionally check on them, and with nobody there to persecute, they seemed to have essentially died off. I think some of our occasional trolls are past ISFers or similar mentalities with nobody left to slap their backs.
    1 point
  2. I was a member of the ISF for several years, spending a lot of time trying to rationally discuss the topic but eventually just couldn't take it any longer. That entire group absolutely does not wish to have a discussion. They are a miserable gathering of denialists not capable of anything other than pretending they aren't interesting in the topic. I noticed they have locked down the entire forum making all the topics private.
    1 point
  3. Hello, I am a resident of Skamania County in Washington state and have been an avid fan of bigfoot since seeing Legend of Boggy Creek as a child. I still remember seeing Creature from Black Lake in the theater by myself as a kid and then running a dead sprint the full 3+ miles home in the dark after the movie let out. I even forgot I had ridden my bike there and had to go back and get it the next day.
    1 point
  4. A friend of mine who's a member over at the ISF told me that a bunch of them have stockpiled accounts on BFF and are planning some kind of a takeover here. They're also planning some widespread hack attempt on personal accounts here. When? I do not know. Prevention? Hmm, guess the Mods here better be diligent. Just repeating what was said to me. Be prepared!
    0 points
  5. It is, and has been for years. A few months ago, there was a reunion of sorts with a few of the old timers in there just exchanging hello's etc. But that was the end of it, they have moved on. I would say that the topic of this thread is absolute nonsense.
    0 points
  6. all I know is that the ISF is up and running in operation, but they've gone private to hide their conversations. A couple of them, an "inertia" dude and some guy who calls himself "immolokee" are supposedly the principals planning the attack on BFF Don't shoot the messenger!
    -1 points
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