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  1. He or she isn’t doing it to gain access to an account, they are doing it to lock your account for the prescribed amount of time. Its just harassment.
    4 points
  2. Yes, it is harassment. It is also attempted identity theft, cyber crime, a denial of service attack and, above all else, a very weak and under-handed thing to do. Instead of being a criminal; they could easily get a BFF account and express their opinions in a civil manner. Pro Bigfoot, or Con, reasonable and polite people are welcomed here by the vast majority of participants.
    2 points
  3. Ah sure. Makes sense. There's a tool called fail2ban on Linux that blocks IPs that do this. It works. Wound up blocking every IP in Africa once (at least the entire 41., lol) at an email provider because certain countries don't take fighting fraud seriously enough.
    2 points
  4. A sort-of connected question from merry ol' England! Most (all?!) of your suggestions are types of guns to carry for both hunting and protection. So I wondered if any of you have suggestions about what to carry for visitors travelling to the US who can't carry guns but wanting to explore the countryside, or for those living in countries where guns are not generally permitted? How would you protect yourselves in situations and places like that? (be it from dangerous people or creatures). Thank you
    2 points
  5. 3 failed attempts last night originating from Walnut, California, 91789. Makes you wonder what they intend to do if they successfully logged in. Maybe they're desperate to share that they finally figured out the PGF Kodachrome II development timeline, along with a signed confession from the Seattle lab?
    2 points
  6. So my wife and I went to the "Sensing Sasquatch" exhibit today at the High Desert Museum near Bend,Oregon. It wasn't much but it showed the spiritual side of it from several Native views. Featured Native artists had quotes near their work, and this one struck me. Honestly, how foolish am I for never considering that anyone... besides the feds...would actively seek to destroy evidence to protect the species? I guess i was so blinded by my notion that most everyone...besides the feds... actually would like the existence of these creatures proven. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. I also attribute a certain degree of success to riding horses. A sound and scent element that helps tilt the table ever so slightly back to us.
    1 point
  8. The PGF proves to me that they can be tricked. And probably a few other examples as well. They are good in the woods, but not infallible.
    1 point
  9. A flare gun. * It's cheap. $83 * It also serves as a signaling device. * Larry Kaniut, in his "Alaska Bear Tales" book series, notes that in all three cases that he could confirm where a bear attack was countered with a flare gun, the bear (suddenly on fire with an effective "Willie-Pete" round) left the scene in a hurry and the human victim was left without a scratch. I carry a flare gun kit during my own Alaskan adventures. It consists of an Olin 12 gauge flare gun and a handful of flares in a Pelican waterproof case. It's small and light. It's not a set up for 24/7 instant at-hand personal protection, but I carry a handgun for that. I carry the flare gun for signaling from a troubled camp or broken down off road rig, but if I had it at hand when a troublesome bear got too close, I wouldn't hesitate to light his rump up with it.
    1 point
  10. I really enjoy my 'Deer" friends, momma had twins this year!
    1 point
  11. Passwords are funny things. You could be my best friend and wife and have zero idea what my passwords are. And attempts to "hack" using a VPN or whatever are just going to fail. I'm pretty sure password rippers would take a few decades to guess it too, even if you had the hash. There are far more successful ways to steal accounts than attempting to guess passwords. Password guessing is the "sitting on the swings until end of recess" elementary school bullshit that backwards brained morons do when they have no life. Sure you might get to frustrate one poorly secured account using a top 1000 common passwords, but it doesn't make you smart or mentally stable with a win like that. Moral of the story? Some moron has too much time in his hands and hasn't touched grass in far too long. And use a password consisting of four words strung together are easier to remember for you and improbably hard to guess for anyone else. And don't use the same ones for every site.
    1 point
  12. Robots are taking over the world. They must increase. I must decrease.
    1 point
  13. Yes, I received the same New Mexico email as well. Some people really need to get a better hobby than trying to hack a stranger's i.d. on a flipping message board.
    1 point
  14. I received the same E-Mail as well. Hey Tork, do you still live in your mom's basement in Carnuel, New Mexico?
    1 point
  15. Netherlands suggests they are using vpn's and anonymizers.
    1 point
  16. I like the way Bob Gymlan looks at it in this video, especially from about 9:40 on.
    1 point
  17. Just got back. East side of Priest Lake. Almost no cell service. Saw mostly Moose and Elk tracks. Something came into camp one night. Probably a deer. I would like to explore east into NW Montana. In the Yaak river country. The lake itself was a mad house but only saw a few people in the mountains. The Dodge did great!
    1 point
  18. For those who aren't familiar with thermal imaging technology the principle is that it works on temperature differentials. Basically if it's summertime and the ambient air temperature and foliage surfaces in a forest are running at, say, 95 degrees then an animal that has a body temperature also in the 90's may not show up very distinctly- if at all. However, put that same animal in an environment of 70 degrees or cooler and the temperature differences between the animals body heat in the environment will make it stand out. In the cold of winter that same animal will glow like crazy in a forest that has an ambient environmental temp of 40 degrees. Thermal imagers read surface temperatures so will not see through glass but instead will "read" the surface temperature of the glass. By the same token it will read the surfaces of anything between you and an animal which means an animal can be 20 ft away behind foliage and the thermal won't pick it up. I have used mine to locate cold spots in walls and around doors and windows in winter to locate where heat loss is occurring. My grandchildren used to have fun putting their bare hands and feet on a tile floor and looking at the residual "prints" left on the tile surface. Under the right conditions the device will pick up a warm hand print left on a tree or a warm footprint on the ground. I saw a video once where a hunter followed a fresh, warmer-than-the-ground blood trail with the device. And lastly, they are completely passive and so emit no light whatsoever as one takes the precaution to guard against light escaping from the display in the eyepiece. We've seen the heat signature from the supposed Yowie in Australia and other examples. So as long as one understands a thermal's principle, capabilities, and limitations, then knowing what to expect will help one in using the device to it's fullest potential. One more thing, thermal imagers work equally well day or night. Night temperatures tend to be cooler so chances of seeing some kind of a heat signature will be better. FYI the first and third images in my post was a daytime shot. The 2nd and fourth were at night.
    1 point
  19. well, I called the police and told them that someone from the ISF was trying to hack my BFF account. in talking over the phone with the officer, he first asked "what is ISF" ? i told him it's the International Skeptics Forum and I explained what it's about. I could hear some restrained chuckles on the end of the line. Then he asked me "what is the BFF"? and I told him about the BIgfoot Forums and the guffaw's and yuk yuk yuks started to roll. The officer then told me that he saw absolutely no reason to follow up on, what he described as the "Cyber attack of the century" and told me to grow up. "Bigfoot, HUH?!?!?! He laughed I'm sure that same cop would be happy to investigate someone doing a california roll through a stop sign. **** the non believers!!!!!
    -1 points
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