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  1. ^ exactly! NorCalWitness said: "It would be a huge overreach of judicial authority to charge for stealing a password to a bigfoot forum. Nothing of value would be lost." < That, to me, is a dangerous misconception of the Rule of Law. This is not about whether or not one BFF member values the privacy of their login, has any regard for the other members here who do not want their logins hacked, or has any regard for the efforts of the bigfootforums.com Admin who spend many, many hours defending our rights to have a respectable forum. This is about the Rule of Law. Hacking logins, identity theft and denial of service attacks are cyber crimes, plain and simple. That is not dependent on monetary loss, or whether or not a particular prosecutor, or lawyer is willing to pursue the case. A crime is a crime.
    2 points
  2. I'm of the opposite mind. I had a couple things happen as a kid in the Rockies. First, I saw something upright and black running up a creek on 2 legs as we drove past it. It was shimmering black and I always assumed bear because I was a kid and didn't know any better. Then I grew up and opened my eyes. I realized bears don't run as fast as a car doing 30 MPH on 2 legs up a 2-3 foot deep creek. This was deep in the Powderhorn Valley. 2nd set of events was just that creeped out feeling at a small fishing lake in the same area. Could have been another apex predator and spidey senses being triggered, but who knows. 2018 I experienced trees getting shaken at me and a friend. This was in a part of the Trinity Alps in NorCal, and our entire trip was built around getting of the trail and going to unmarked lakes. There were no trails close to us and we had just finished bushwhacking nasty manzanita for 7 hours to get to the base of a mountain that held a lake at its top. Clear branch shaking and then massive movement of brush as whatever it was took off running. Think VW Bug driving through the willows. 2020 I had vocalizations in the Sierras. 2021 my group of 3 had tent touches. Lots of footprints. 2023 insane wood knocks that sounded like a baseball bat shattering a tree. 2024 really bizarre loud noise like a tree falling, but it lasted a lot longer than a tree fall. 20 minutes later I had a long insane vocalization that doesn't match any of the fauna in the area. It was close and vibrated my insides. My incidents seem to be happening much more frequently. Perhaps its the locations I am going, but perhaps their species is doing just fine and will be just fine long after we all die from WW3.
    1 point
  3. Same here. Exactly. Although I did also experience some strange wood knocking years later, but I consider that less than decent evidence. There is a paleolithic theory currently out there that the human population dropped to a low of perhaps 40 individuals @ 72K years ago. There is also the 50/500 Rule in that is a benchmark that suggests a population of 50 individuals is needed to prevent inbreeding, and 500 individuals to reduce genetic drift. This rule is often used to determine a minimum viable population (MVP). Even if one just considers native American oral history, there have never been many of these creatures out there.
    1 point
  4. And appears to be staying that way sadly. I’m quickly swaying belief to either near extinction or never existed. Most likely the former.
    1 point
  5. Here is the rub…. Until someone drags one in? Everything is pure speculation. How smart it is. How closely related it is to Homo Sapien. Does it have language? Does it have night vision? So forth and so on….. Right now Bigfoot resides with Pixies and Gnomes. It’s not a primate. It’s not a mammal. It’s a monster from folklore.
    1 point
  6. I agree with all of that 100%. However, "science" is the official word on the matter, and they have officially rejected the existence of these creatures and have outright required the carcass in order to reverse their ideological rejection. Thus, the killing of one of these creatures is required in order to move forward with the very basic knowledge (not opinion) of what they are. Personally, I have arrived ideologically with the conclusion that government knows of the existence of these creatures and is actively suppressing that knowledge. I can't prove that, of course, but I fail to see how it can be otherwise. Thus, I have come to accept the ignorance of society and acquiesce to government as being wiser than I. But I can understand the frustration of folks like norseman, and if he wants to shoot one of these creatures, I have no condemnation for his desire.
    1 point
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