For Bears? Double Aught!👍
Yah, in the woods you’re not worried about killing Aunt Gertrude next door! lol! The forest service can send me a bill! And as far as JHP? I would rather penetrate the nervous system than not. Ole Scott at Kentucky Ballistics made an impressive hole with that hand cannon with JHP. But I would not want to bet my life on it.
Hard cast👍
Buffalo Bore.
If you were going to Kodiak Island? .357 mag would be considered light. But then that Alaskan guide took out a brown bear with a 9mm. But you’re not in Alaska. Black bears die from .357 mag all the time in the west. You just don’t want something that enters the body and pancakes against bone and stops dead. A bear can do a lot of damage with a flesh wound. Those two ammo selections above should get the job done in all but the most extreme situations.
I use this in my .44 mag. It’s almost twice the weight. But the same velocity. A heavier bullet is hard to argue with in dangerous game.
I have always carried hard cast bullets for four legged critters. But those hollow points while they lacked penetration? Grenaded that bears head, skull and all. Just chunks flying everywhere. Terrifying. I don’t know how realistic that fake bear head is. But if it’s close? Wow. Of course you’re not going to do a head mount after that. Unless the taxidermist is great at tying flies with a magnifying glass. 😬
That surprised me. I thought they would just petal out against the skull and be done.
^ Very interesting video, thx Norse! The 12 gauge pump with multiple 1 oz slug rounds seemed to TCB. I would definitely feel better carrying that than any pistol with a 2.5 to 3 inch barrel (I have trouble hitting the broad side of a barn with those).
The test with the 500 Bushwacker was a sight to see! Oh my gosh!
I've got a 444 that I'd hate to stand in front of, and I certainly wouldn't want to get in the way of a 12 gauge. Either should put a hole through one. Personally, I'm fond of levers and old school tech. They just work.