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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2024 in all areas

  1. I remember it. Tazwell County, VA I believe. It was a radio call-in …no idea if it was ever explored further.
    2 points
  2. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/bigfoot-shot-exclusive-never-told-until-now/
    1 point
  3. I'd say humans should have more accurately classified themselves Homo intellectus, the sasquatch seem more deserving of the Homo sapiens, given their ability to successfully and quietly co-exist in seclusion with apparently minimal requirements. The meaning/understanding we've sacrificed in pursuit of our technological doo-dads, general excess, plastic crap and planned obsolescence is not indicative of much sapienza! I speculate the comparison of theirs vs ours is la bit like comparing A D.G. Rossetti painting to Ohms Law.
    1 point
  4. Based on their ability to evade us, either they're a 10 or we've badly overestimated ourselves. A little Dunning Kruger here, perhaps? Maybe we are the 10%-ers who think we are 90%-ers and can't conceive of that not being true. .. in any event, I think the results, absolute and consistent failures of our efforts to prove their existence, speak for themselves.
    1 point
  5. At the very least they are genetically programmed to see anything out of the ordinary without conscious thought. Deer do it. Their eyes can send on the information and their body can react before their brain can process the image. They may not have developed the concept of zero, but they have the baked in pathways to throw a stone and hit you in the nuts from hundreds of feet away, is what I'm getting at.
    1 point
  6. Interesting clip.....one would have to assume an intelligence beyond that of the pongid apes, simply by their covert existence. Then there's the evidence for structured language, as well as cooperative behaviors, although these could be expected from most contemporary hominid forms. Some have conjectured that with the lack of technological advancement, they, as a branch of humanity, focused on the development of "other skillls" this could include the refinement in the uses of various frequencies of in freely and how to produce and project specific frequencies for specific effect within those they use it with along with possible long range communication. Of course this might also be extended to include the various "woo factors" Their capacity for strategic actions seems pretty amazing
    1 point
  7. Tough question, perhaps impossible to even speculate, at least at this time? I only would suggest that, as a general standard of measurement, if human intelligence reaches a 10; then there are also many humans which would measure very close to 0. (I consider myself to be a solid 4!) lol
    1 point
  8. If it exists. A 10, just for fooling all of us and having us arguing its existence!
    1 point
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