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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Howdy everyone. I'm new. Thirty something ranch hand outside the Ft Worth Texas area. I never had an encounter, but have developed a fascination with this. I'm just here to learn more and with any luck, read some interesting stories. My favorite so far is one from the old Art Bell show, "Midnight In The Desert", the experiences of a nice Texas lady called Elaine, and her son, Sierra. She claimed she had a small family of bigfoots on the outskirts of her acreage and the male father would peek into their windows and leave scat in the yard, and that she regularly left pies in her back yard for him to find. It had some humorous elements, but painted them as intelligent primates. Worth searching up on YT. I've seen all Les Stroud's material on the topic, and recently watched a couple documentaries. Well, anyway, cheers! Looking forward to reading and chatting a bit.
    1 point
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