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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Happy 93rd birthday, Mr. Gimlin!
    3 points
  2. In the south east as a "woods gun" I'll cary my smith 686. Historically I would cary a glock 23 or a 1911, sometimes still do. I honestly feel more need to worry about the people then animals. I've run into some absolute NUTs in surprisingly remote places. If I had my way I would just carry an AR10 shoulder slung but that's a bit harder to swing in more occupied areas. I was recently spending some time in Washington state and got introduced to the smith and wesson 500 mag. Which a buddy of mine carries for bears out that way. He convinced me I needed one but to be fair, that isnt a hard thing to do. 😅
    2 points
  3. Just to put this particular channel on anyone's radar who is interested. I've found the videos this guy produces to be interesting if anything and a good number seem to be based on plausible material. I would say his genre would be "general high strangness" but bigfoot is a large body of his content.
    2 points
  4. Happy Birthday, Sir! I hope you are well!
    1 point
  5. Yes indeed. Quite a milestone. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks to Bob for being a part of such an iconic film and sharing with all of us.
    1 point
  6. Hey, everybody needs one more gun......
    1 point
  7. Technically not a new member but my how the forums have grown since I was last active here - Congratulations Gigantor and all the members of the management team. Grew up in the 60s and 70s and learned everything I needed to know about Bigfoot from In Search of and the The Six Million Dollar Man. Then completely forgot about Bigfoot from the 80s to the aughts. Sometime around 2010 or 2011 I saw multiple specials back-to-back on the topic, such as Bigfoot, Legend Meets Science and was sort of stunned to see that Bigfoot was still "a thing." Was able to concentrate on the issue, but work and family life took a couple of turns for the more complex and I lacked the time and energy to keep up here, so disappeared circa 2015-2016. I have never seen a Bigfoot and don't expect to, but now that I'm approaching retirement I hope to contribute more frequently, particularly to the SSR. I have my own database of over 1,000 sightings in the northeast US and eastern Canada. Even managed to interview a few witnesses. Have come to two conclusions - first, that Bigfoot exists, and second, that it will never be believed until there is an unequivocal body or body part on a slab. Unfortunately, until that undeniable proof exists, most of the world will continue to look at Bigfoot as a myth.
    1 point
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