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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Good snow trackway in Bluff creek!
    2 points
  2. Thanks for posting this, norseman. I now have a much better idea of the nature of the Bluff Creek area, and how much it resembles our local mountains. The snow trackway shown here is virtually identical to what I found and took John Green to in the late '70s, except that the tracks we saw were about 40% larger, though the stride and alignment match perfectly. Seeing that trackway brought back a flood of memories, including my first meeting with John, long before my later acqaintance with him through our local research group.
    1 point
  3. Another way of looking at tandem gait in snow is replicating the actions of a Nordic or x-country skier and this is what gives BF sightings that appearance of "glide".
    1 point
  4. Fair question. I like it! The things I'm pretty sure of fall squarely in the realm of F&B: it is not necessary to invoke any assumption or belief in the paranormal to account for them. I did not always see it this way. I had no scientific way to account for most of the pieces. Science papers (published) I've since found on the internet seemingly provide a way to account for those things. Still, while the components are known and proven, no single organism that I know of has all of them. I assume F&B but I can't outright reject the possibility of paranormal. I keep an eye in that direction, whether I believe it or not, because if it were true, the implications are to large to ignore. I don't intend to ridicule people who believe some things are paranormal, I just note that a lot of them don't seem to have taken time to really look hard into less .. astonishing .. explanations .. and prefer to jump to what seem to me to be unwarranted conclusions. There is some weird stuff that SEEMS to have happened but it may be a matter of over-connecting dots that don't actually belong together. I have to leave that over in the "shaky stuff" pile. I don't want to discard it 'cause a couple more piece might make it fall into place such that it means something profound scientifically, yet I don't want to include it too much with what I'm fairly sure of and contaminate that with stuff which doesn't actually belong .. yet. I call it segregated but not discarded. An example: one of those things is apparent communication of information across longer distance in shorter time than we can account for with today's understanding. Alternative could be changes in my perception such that no matter where I go, it SEEMS as if the info is there ahead of me but rather, it's just ME that is traveling. Dunno. Not totally comfortable with any answer. MIB
    1 point
  5. Youtube video, at about one hour to one hour and eight minutes, orbs and sasquatch mentioned in regard to Skinwalker Ranch investigation and surrounding area while Robert Bigelow owned it. Disclaimer: Paranormal content PS Bigelow deflects and dodges the question about will the data from Skinwalker Ranch investigation ever be released and nobody asks a follow-up about his avoidance of the question!
    1 point
  6. Sasquatches are 100% what they are and what I think they are has zero % effect on that, however, my personal view is flesh and blood with wooish capabilities that are consistent with an earthly creature, even if we haven't studied these capabilities in other earthly creatures. They may be unique to the species.
    1 point
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