If it’s close to human DNA? It would probably be better to send it to 23 and me than a wildlife lab. Because if Bigfoot and Humans share more common DNA than even a Chimp? Then a geneticist is gonna have to do the due diligence to run it out instead of claiming human contamination.
I get blamed for comparing Bigfoot to Apes a lot. Which it and we are….. But if it’s of our lineage? Of course it being bipedal puts it closer to us. That’s not negotiable. Bipedalism set humans apart from the rest of the great apes. Of which we are most closely related to Chimpanzees who are not bipedal.
The only other plausible theory is convergent evolution. Think like a linage of Orangutans has become bipedal and left SE Asia millions of years ago. We would still be related to it. But not nearly as closely.
Dr. Mayor scored a DNA hit of Chimpanzee DNA in Kentucky. She also has discovered legitimate new species of Primates before. I feel like she is the right person for the job. She is a scientist, she has been in the field, and she has had success in primates.
And technology is getting better all the time.