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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2025 in all areas

  1. What came first? The chicken or the egg? Necessity? Survival? Genetics? What shapes a species neurology? Were Neanderthals more social or less social than modern humans? And why is it that their genetic legacy in Homo Sapiens is seen as a detriment when it manifests itself as autism? Evidently you didn’t read the article. We have genetic evidence that autism is linked to Neanderthal genes carried in modern humans. So this negates your first point completely. And partially your second and third points as well. I simply extrapolated that this behavior may have been present in other archaic hominid species too. Who lived a similar lifestyle. Or in Sasquatches case? A reported similar lifestyle. In Neanderthals? We have archaeological evidence as well….. not just genetic markers. We have also mapped their entire genome. And what we see in their genes aligns with what we see in digs. And how is that working out? Studying Sasquatch in its “ecological context”. Whats amazing is that people like Jane Goodall? Also draw similarities with our closest living relatives, the Chimpanzee. And I am pretty sure no one is accusing her of anthropomorphism. https://janegoodall.ca/our-stories/chimp-human-similarities/ Chimpanzees? Are not even bipedal? So if we share traits with a Chimpanzee? We damn sure will share traits with a Sasquatch! Shared traits don’t interest me though. What interests me are the traits we don’t share. Because maybe one of them is a chink in the armor. Running around with your hair on fire trying to drive a wedge between Humans and Sasquatch? Isn’t productive. The more we learn about our ancestors behaviors and how they may manifest themselves in humans? Could help us with discovery. Which is the end goal.
    2 points
  2. @NorCalWitness Uhhh did you miss or just ignore the whole research line in dna snp similarities and super enrichment between Neanderthal and known sequencing database of human autistic individuals with banked genomes in the article I shared? Did you read it? What is so humanly complex about visual pattern recognition strengths and speech language-related delays that obviates the ability to attribute to hominids such as Neanderthal? Why not Sasquatch?
    1 point
  3. MIB (the group, not our comrade in arms) have been dispatched to neuralize all of you....
    1 point
  4. This post will self detonate in 5…..4…..3…..
    1 point
  5. It really wouldn't matter what the DNA revealed. The police/DA have it, and they will keep it..................secret...............
    1 point
  6. This has become a matter of great interest to my friends in Ladakh who specialize in the conservation of snow leopard. There is some hope the extreme UV radiation at their altitude (10,000' to 15,000' in winter) limits the viral spread.
    1 point
  7. If it’s close to human DNA? It would probably be better to send it to 23 and me than a wildlife lab. Because if Bigfoot and Humans share more common DNA than even a Chimp? Then a geneticist is gonna have to do the due diligence to run it out instead of claiming human contamination. I get blamed for comparing Bigfoot to Apes a lot. Which it and we are….. But if it’s of our lineage? Of course it being bipedal puts it closer to us. That’s not negotiable. Bipedalism set humans apart from the rest of the great apes. Of which we are most closely related to Chimpanzees who are not bipedal. The only other plausible theory is convergent evolution. Think like a linage of Orangutans has become bipedal and left SE Asia millions of years ago. We would still be related to it. But not nearly as closely. Dr. Mayor scored a DNA hit of Chimpanzee DNA in Kentucky. She also has discovered legitimate new species of Primates before. I feel like she is the right person for the job. She is a scientist, she has been in the field, and she has had success in primates. And technology is getting better all the time.
    1 point
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