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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2025 in all areas

  1. I pranked my aunt and uncle in high school. Cut out feet in wood shop and secured boots to them. I walked down to their garden. Strapped them on and made a loop. Mangled some corn to sell it. My aunt called my mom freaked out and was calling the Sheriff when my mom busted out laughing. Soft dirt was pretty easy. Deep snow would be impossible to walk cleanly in. At some point? Your physical limitations come in to play. And my wooden stompers wouldn’t fool someone like Meldrum. Nor did I want to, the gag was only for my family. I didn’t want any problems with the law. As for natural explanations? Stotting mule deer, bounding foxes, etc. If tracked any distance? The hooves or paws will be present somewhere in that trackway. I really sit up and take notice with deep snow tracks or the tracks crossing fences or logs,etc. Or track ways that are super long.
    2 points
  2. @Eurydice your experiences sound fascinating. Will you share them with the forum? I will be “all ears” if you do. Actually, if reading something is it “all eyes”?
    1 point
  3. Congratulations Norseman, you’ll be a good director! Hope you still have time to share pics from your trail cam. Thanks and deep appreciation to Gigantor for all your efforts as director and tech stuff to keep us happily online.
    1 point
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