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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2025 in all areas

  1. "Not a Jeep guy!?? Next you will tell us you hate Apple pie! Do better! 🇺🇸🫡" Jeep currently has one model. They are owned by Stellantis, which is European. Stellantis, like other companies, does not get along with the United Auto Workers union. I would bank on them to leave the US. Jeep owners should start hording parts. Older Jeeps have mixed reviews. Apple pie is over rated. Go for a berry pie. You forgot baseball. I forget baseball all the time because it is a legal monopoly. Back to the thread. The Rubicon has the optional extra wires on the front outboard positions to cut brush. Nice touch for those very off road bushy areas. I did not see any ducks on those Jeeps and I thought ducks are mandatory accessories.
    5 points
  2. Across the driveway! Field full of Elk.
    1 point
  3. I am not a jeep guy. I am not a ghost guy. I was suspicious from the beginning when I did not hear "are we there yet?" Jeeps appear to be newer units as I did not see a smoke trail from the evil rear main oil seal leak phenomena of the past. Their camera action is very stable. The ghost episode sucks. Data bands are not shown. I am guessing it is composite imagery. An inexpensive trail cam would have picked up more detail of the costume outline but the opacity was adjusted for a spooky transparent look. Fail. No need to call the Ghostbusters. Notes to self: always allow another vehicle to drive through water first so they can find the deep locations and sinkholes and to scare unarmed persons just walk around with 2 flashlights that emit red light.
    1 point
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