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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2025 in all areas

  1. Didn't you as a kid with your friends ? We sure did and some were pretty cool
    1 point
  2. Right, if you think all they are capable of is lean-to's and teepees you have missed their messages that are sometimes difficult to see (sometimes next to impossible). It will test your tracking and observational skills to the nth degree. If you are uber familiar with a section of real estate it can make it much easier. The manipulations that occur between dusk and dawn-- if you are close enough to investigate-- can be very eye opening. Sure I have engaged in fort building before the woodscraft and survival shelters were but a figment, grew up in the age of the early USAF survival manuals from the 50's. My adventures included ground excavations and tree forts mostly.
    1 point
  3. I did all the time as a kid. I had more forts than I could count. And some where teepee style around a tree like that.🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  4. or it could just be kids building forts
    1 point
  5. I tend to think they are calling cards, and sometimes they are calling certain preselected humans at predetermined locations that they (and us) frequent. I have had much experience with these structures at a local level too. There is no reason that they could not serve multiple purposes depending upon what is being crafted. I have seen perseverative patterning and geometry in narrowly confined mountainous drainages in the Blue Ridge.
    1 point
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