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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm reading the books. My opinion of their credibility is still in question. So, I'll pass on the Koolaid for now.
    1 point
  2. === stepping into the mind of a conspiracy buff == Who is calling the shots? Those people. Over there. you can't see them...but they are there. Trust me. The X-File are real. The show was a cover to make people who believe in the unexplained look ridiculous and stop bringing forward odd ideas. === now back to our normal programming === I work in a state agency responsible for forestry and wildlife. There is no government conspiracy. There are too many civil service protections available to employees who speak with the media and too little justification to keep quiet. People keep quiet about the military projects because people can easily agree that these things need to be kept secret. Sharing information can lead to people getting killed and enemies of the country being able to do it harm. What is the harm in releasing proof that there is a small number of reclusive primates living in the deep woods? For a state agency charged with protecting and conserving wild life? If there was proof of Sasquatch in the woods of Vermont...there would be a state program to study and protect them. Where would this new program be housed? In the state agency responsible for forestry and wildlife. if the proof was there, it would be public fairly quickly. Again and again, I've seen attempts by political appointees to contain embarassing information that they don't want released brought to nought because someone has access to it who feels the public needs to be informed and does so. The political hacks get upset...but what are they going to do? To really take action against someone covered by civil service laws...they have to prove that someone illegal was done. I don't know of any state that has a law forbidding release of information about sasquatch to the public by a state employee. Tim A decent synopsis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_vision_device
    1 point
  3. Humans are great apes. We get human results because the tracks are human or human like, the sounds are often humanlike, the hair samples are human or humanlike, the descriptions of BF's face are humanlike, their locomotion is like ours or the PGF would be proof. So the DNA being human is an ape result but points to divergence rather than a convergent origin. It may be less acceptable to people who think of them as beasts, but like I said earlier, if there is no other result for prospective BF samples, and BF exists, then the idea they are human will only strengthen. Thats what I see happening. BPC, I've been watching and reading everything since 2005, I participated in the study with a submitted sample and knew results before it's release, I knew about the SS kills sample 6 months before RL broke with his story, I've watched sample after sample be tested on TV, human or known animal is all we get. Ketchum say's she went through her results with a fine tooth comb, hoping to find the deviations that would prove Sasquatch to be distinct from human, who wouldn't with all that effort and data? I've shared her words in respect to this privately with resident experts on this forum in the past since it's release. She had one sample with a single novel mutation that had not been logged in genbank up to that point in genbank for humans out of 113 samples. There were numerous contributors to the study, some of which are well known. Robert Alley, Fahrenbach on behalf of Paul Freeman, numerous credentialed biologists, amatuer field researchers, Curt Nelson (Snelgrove Lake sample) , Dereck Randles, the list goes on. If any of these people could have sent a nonhuman ape sample in, they darn sure would have, and I have no doubts Ketchum would not have deliberately skewed the results to be human because she wanted proof, there was no point in touching this subject without it.
    1 point
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