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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2014 in all areas

  1. Urkelbot...don't tax yourself overly on this point would be my advice. Take one and I'll take the other: Either they just didn't get seen, or they aren't there to see. A bunch of folks on a internet bulletin board rhetorically chasing their tails won't get you a jot closer to figuring out which it is. We'll see in time, or we won't. Statistically, I've another two decades to be available to get the news, and I hope my life expectancy will exceed that by at least ten more years. I've got lots of time to think about it, and to try and learn more. If you've got a deadline to meet, guess you gotta draw a quick conclusion. Me, not so much at all.
    1 point
  2. I posted the video because I think it captures some interesting interaction in the present time and in the video shown...Certainly the fate of this man going forward is uncertain. I also have issues with certain groups who are attempting to humanize animals by making them cute and cuddly...certainly they can be..but if history is to be our guide they are going to still be animals and do the things that animals do. The other point I was trying to show is that if we could get video as compelling showing a SSq that it would perhaps go a long way... I dont think that is going to happen because of the theories I hold and the interactions I have had with them and what I have seen first hand...but that aside it would be nice.
    1 point
  3. I tend to agree with the investigator that this was more probably a chorus of owls....although the emphasis on the volume aspect gives me pause. I've heard a single barred owl go all psycho and I can tell you it gives you a very creepy feeling. But, do they? Any mammal has a playful side, or what appears to us to be playful. Hard to attribute objective reasons for subjective motives, of course. How big a leap is it for a sentient creature who can grasp and throw a rock to anticipate and relish the results? Not big.
    1 point
  4. Kitikaze...sidestepping the whole difference of opinion between you and me as to what constitutes "evidence", I'll just say that the more years you put in on this planet, the more even a 100 years is going to seem increasingly like not long at all. On nature's scale too, that is a fraction of a blink of an eye. Haul yourself down to the basement of the planet some day to that place some call the Grand Canyon. If you've never spent a day or more there, alone, I would recommend it to anyone. (I personally favor the Bass Trail if you can't get over to the N. rim) When you do, and you think about what you can't help but think about when you are down there, you'll come out with a pretty profound humility and contempt for what we humans consider "a long time." Check this out too: The strata known as The Great Non-Conformity. I mean, crap, who can even wrap his head around THAT?
    1 point
  5. I can't take someone seriously who cites 16 cameras capturing three clear images after only three months of an animal that wasn't being looked for and not thought to be there as a meaningful comparison to forty cameras and five years in a place where the animal is not only thought to be but regularly reported to be seen and encountered, yet refuses to qualify it in any meaningful way and when asked to do so gets into this... 40 cameras, 5 years, constant reports, zero images... vs 16 cameras, three months, three recordings including video... DWA, on 08 Jan 2014 - 12:46 PM, said: "Bob Gimlin, a friend of mine, and myself had been in the area a little over a week." - Roger Patterson Last Saturday they arrived to look for the tracks themselves and to take some films of these, riding over the mountainous terrain on horseback by day and motoring over the roads and trails by night. - Roger Patterson interview, October 20th, 1967. http://www.bigfooten...es/firstpgf.htm Far longer at Bluff Creek than one week and starting seven years earlier, with a far better tracker... http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/bluff-creek1960.htm Far longer at Mt. St. Helens than one week...
    1 point
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