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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2014 in all areas

  1. I feel frustrated about the direction that the research aspect of the subject seems to have taken. People making outlandish claims, some researchers (term used loosely) presenting findings that cannot be substantiated, and the shows used to entertain do nothing for the seriously interested enthusiast. They all seem to discredit and make light of both the creature and the study of them. There's no shortage of serious research efforts, though. All you have to do is find that niche' among the muck and mire. Personally, I tend to shy away from outlandish claims like mind speak, telepathy, teleportation, association with orbs, and habituation claims with spiritual implications for the humans. It seems that if any of this stuff were true, these "knowers" would present proof of such claims, but, rather conveniently, they claim to choose not to do so because of their desire to protect the creature, or because they feel "special" to have been selected by the creature because of some purity or goodness that they themselves posses. To listen to some of these descriptions of the creature, you'd think they are bullet-proof and clad in a cape. Fortunately, there are more grounded claims and efforts to disseminate more logical and realistic information without all of the anthropomorphic and paranormal associations. These outlandish claims make the topic a target of ridicule and make anyone with a serious interest in the creature look like a lunatic to the majority of the populace. Personally, I think the warm, fuzzy, flute playing, supernatural, wise and benevolent forest hippy persona of the creature has done more to deflect from serious research by the scientific community than anything else.
    6 points
  2. Nowhere, but I wasn't saying that they should substantiate their claims. All I was saying is that if protecting their privacy was of concern that they should not share any information. Privacy, if what's truly desired, isn't protected by "Hey, look at what's happening to me" in the day and age of computers. I believe they want to make claims to draw attention to themselves, which is the exact opposite of protecting their privacy.
    4 points
  3. Hello LarryP, If I've learned anything from DWA it is how to duck, dodge, and evade questions so.......
    1 point
  4. Hello DWA, Allow me to clarify? DWA: "Now as to the numerous "unknown primate" finds which have occurred,..(See the DWA quote in my post#39) DWA: "The indisputable fact is: many people have alleged (my bold)unknown primate DNA from samples they sent in, with no reason to do so other than that it happened (huh?). Until it is proven to me that they are all liars, the only reasonable assumption is: It has happened, numerous times" (See DWA post #38) You see how this goes folks? First it sounds like fact for months, and now it's "alledged". I say foul doings here and I don't care how fast DWA dances or how far he backpeddles this kind of behavior is misleading and altering his position after the fact only makes it worse. I'm done with you DWA.
    1 point
  5. Hello DWA, No I do not get "how it works". You were the one claiming "unknown Primate DNA". I also know how you deal with those who have asked for your links: DWA post#1655 Sykes/Sartori thread: Thanks for your help, useless as it is.
    1 point
  6. Burnout .. sort of. Yes and no. My first sighting was in the mid 70s. Tracks before that. No hoax. No matter what else happens, "that which has been seen cannot be unseen." I'm pretty sure without that, I'd walk away. But I "know", I can't "un-know", so now I seek to understand. In a way, that perspective protects me from the video hoaxes and other BS because even if real, they don't address the questions I seek answers to, so having them be not real doesn't matter either. I suspect within my group people are getting tired of my video analysis: "looks fake, doesn't matter" and "looks real, doesn't matter". Either way I'm not going to try to use it to convince anyone of anything so ... real or fake really does not matter. I don't specifically "go bigfooting." I go hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, taking pictures, or just exploring a new area. I choose the location and time to increase the chances of a sasquatch being in the area and I keep my eyes and ears open. However, the success or failure of the trip is based on the fishing, hunting, and pictures I bring home, not bigfoot. That helps a lot with avoiding burnout. MIB
    1 point
  7. I could not shoot anything on two legs for sport or for science. Many people think they do not travel alone, so if you blew one away, you might have a hard time defending yourself against one or two others that may charge you when you are not looking and rip you to shreds.
    1 point
  8. ^^ No, it's actually more like this: p...I saw a bigfoot. s.. Do you have any supporting evidence? p.. No s...Well, cool story. thanks. but science can't just take your word for it, unfortunately science requires evidence. p..I know what I saw! You can't prove I didn't see bigfoot!
    1 point
  9. If one is menacing my family it will get shot with multiple 14 gauge slugs and then buried in peace. If it is there hunting deer or helping themselves to a few peaches as they have been known to do, I will wish them goodwill.
    1 point
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