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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2014 in all areas

  1. " dressing like something doesn't mean the something isn't real." No one is saying anything like that, that is a straw man argument. The point was the people do hoax, it is human nature. You say human nature does not apply here. But the very fact that people dress up and hoax bigfoot proves your claim incorrect. It is proof that human nature does apply. It is not intended to be proof that bigfoot does not exist because someone dressed like one. Unlike some, however, I can back my assertion up. Excellent! Please do so. You have asserted multiple instances of unknown primate DNA result when alleged bigfoot samples were analyzed. Please demonstrate how you back up your assertions.
    1 point
  2. I am always just gob-smacked by the lack of curiosity exhibited in the reactions we sometimes see to this information. You don't have to consider it proof of squat, and you know what? I DON'T consider it proof of squat, but it should at the very least compel a body to maybe say to themself: I don't have a real plausible explanation for this that fits all the permutations of information I'm seeing here, except possibly it is what the witnesses are describing, and it bothers me that I don't. I can tell you also, with a high degree of certainty, I don't have a reputation in my family and my community at large for being gullible, at all. So, if I am/we are being woofed, it is pretty much going to surprise not only me.
    1 point
  3. Since you weren't there for them either, does that mean you're finally done trying to rule in these reports? We tried telling you they were nothing but unsubstantiated stories.
    1 point
  4. ^^ Anecdotes, regardless of how many, do not fall short of absolute proof. They are not even in the same ballpark. "No one who isn't thoroughly interested in this topic can get a PowerPoint that would satisfy him... " DWA What does that mean? Only people who are really into bigfoot can truly appreciate the value of the "evidence"? Well, yes anyone who is emotionally invested in one outcome over the other can get as much confirmation bias as one wants while deep diving into the BFRO database. That much should be very obvious.
    1 point
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