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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2014 in all areas

  1. As far as I can tell, that is not what is happening. There are reports of a hunter killing one about every several years and not one has brought the body back. In fact, after they shoot it or actually kill it, they either bury it, abandon it or just run away. So it depends on who is doing the shooting and why. I keep hearing and reading about all the hopes and dreams about how the people will conserve the land for them? To do what, put them on a frickin' reservation????? Leave them alone and let them be would be far more wise than any idea that I've seen come down the pike.
    1 point
  2. Hello All' How do I put this. I have the John Green database as most of you know by now. I've not read all the accounts listed in it but have read somewhere between 1,100 and 1,200 of them. I think Sasquatch is a real Creature. And since I've read that many reports, even though I've not had an encounter, I now know for a fact that Sasquatch exists. And that my friends, is a lie. It's as simple as that.
    1 point
  3. Here is one of the noted reports and it is in my top favorites. It will not let me post the link directly for some reason, I will post the general info to throw into a search engine so you can find it. BFRO Report # 12959 Class A Sightings by two hunters in tree stands outside Elkwater
    1 point
  4. I would be interested to hear these clips that are said to sound like frogs voices or the researchers voices as described in the original post. This chatter or possible language is not a made up phenomenon { though some may be faking stuff or even unknowingly recording them selves at a distance }, I have personally heard { and recorded } these sounds in the field. I use to think it was a bunch of garbage tossed into stories to make them fun or exciting as Terry suggested above but this simply is not the case. There is a considerable amount of this type of audio that is not public and only shared among private groups.
    1 point
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