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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2015 in all areas

  1. SoFla you have nothing to add to this board or this thread so you are now on ignore.
    2 points
  2. Is today Opposite Day and no one let me know?!? Why is everyone responsible to do their due diligence except the person who actually supplies the information? I'm not saying that there was an intent to deceive. I am saying that everyone who presents information should give their best effort to ensure its accuracy and relevance.
    2 points
  3. Well, you should know, & you'd know if you were wrong & everything. So you're probably right. Just leaves with a face.
    1 point
  4. Post #303: http://monroetalks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27514.300 Here on the forum: http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/49226-monroe-monster/ Gum presenting the picture in another thread: http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/41129-tree-manipulation-wood-structures-what-is-the-evidence/?p=898859 Where I earned the undeserved appellation of "troll" by Gum: http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/41129-tree-manipulation-wood-structures-what-is-the-evidence/?p=900285 I challenge any honest and objective person to read my above post and call it trolling, and I ask those same folks to read through Gumshoeye's claims while noting his reaction to honest criticsm and questioning. Frankly, I'm sick of being attacked here for asking legitimate, relevant questions about claims that contain logical inconsistencies. It is utter BS, and in classic form, notice that the detractors of honest questioning offer nothing in return but snarky, sniping comments that don't contribute anything to the debate. For the record, none of my posts in question here were intended to malign or annoy (although I admit that my bluntness can sometimes be taken that way, unintended as it may be), but were instead meant to elicit a clarifying response from a member who gave two discrepant accounts of how a claimed bigfoot photo was taken. To this day, Gumshoeye has refused to address the issue, and instead diverts attention from, or ignores the query, or simply attacks the questioner. So much for open dialogue, eh?
    1 point
  5. I am not a denier. I have been around this nearly 20 years and have heard thousands of tall tales regarding what people see and know. Stories and tales are not evidence. Bring CLEAR, IN FOCUS and high res. pictures or movies. Until then you have nothing but words from strangers and Internet buddies. Nothing ever get accomplished in bigfootery. Your new friend will most like provide blob-squatch picture, something will happen in his research area to run them off or he will get tired of all on the DENIERS deciding to with hold his "superior" evidence. SHOW ME THE BIGFOOT and I will be the happiest guy in the world. That is how it works out 100% of the time
    1 point
  6. I have learned to ignore the butts that I see. Makes life more pleasant.
    1 point
  7. I like that picture, Rockape......whatever it is. I see a face on it. Which doesn't mean anything since I see faces everywhere.
    1 point
  8. Come now Sunshine, you can do better than when you try to lure someone into a fight, being the master baiter you are.
    1 point
  9. Get ready roguefooter, next you'll be a government agent.
    1 point
  10. Bundy admitted to dismemberment, and the bodies were discovered the previous summer before any 'Bigfoot tracks' were found. There is no connection between the two. Nobody said anything about cannibalism but you. All you're doing here is creating more fictional Bigfoot stories. Not all of Bundy's victims were identified, hence the other body. Again there is no correlation between any Bigfoot tracks and these dead decomposing women. Zero.
    1 point
  11. I think this subject, about shooting one, is something that highly, highly likely isn't going to happen. Too many researchers out in the field with camo gear on thinking they're GI Joe trying to get to these things. Too little spending consistent time in the field in order to build up real knowledge and understanding of a certain area and what moves when, where and why. Look at the numbers. In over 2,500 sightings that we have added to our database, just 4 have been from people actually looking for Sasquatch, seeing a Sasquatch in day light hours. That's 0.1% by the way of all of those Sasquatch reports having the opportunity to shoot one of these things at the right time, unless you want to take shots at something upright walking on two legs in the dark which, in case you would, would take us up to 0.4% with 70% of those at night coming with no moon light whatsoever so good luck with that. As humans we think we are wonderful, we think we are great, but the reality is where this subject is concerned, we're not. They are far, far superior in their own domain than us, hence these things "not existing", yet I don't see anyone admitting or acknowledging this with any sense of regularity. We need to change the way we do things research wise and we need to change our mindsets, no doubt whatsoever. If we don't, then this subject isn't getting nailed any time soon. I don't even believe we are giving ourselves a chance to do this right now.
    1 point
  12. The women in the article- Janice Ott and Denise Naslund were killed by Ted Bundy, and not a Sasquatch. Bundy claimed he dismembered at least one of them- hence the partial remains. This article is dated before Bundy was caught and confessed to these murders. Sorry, no killer Squatch here.
    1 point
  13. Nope, they're definitely the group. Just go back to their forums to around 2009-2010 and you'll find loads and loads of it. Me and Bill Miller had a lot of discussion with Lansdale (aka Monster Hunter) and his ridiculous conspiracy theories. Here's a few gems: http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1261606602/A+call+for+John+Green+to+take+a+polygraph+%21%21%21%21 http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1266691120/Bluff+Creek+justice http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1282352043/Motive+for+Massacre http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1282489676/Greed%2C+money...the+evil+behind+Bluff+Creek... http://www.network54.com/Forum/23217/message/1283357021/Labor+Day+weekend...the+beginning+of+the+Bluff+Creek+Incident... There's just months and months of their garbage massacre theories blasting John Green and everyone else they thought were involved. Good people don't tell bogus stories on the internet and attack real people like John Green over dumb conspiracy theories. Yeah I'm sure they killed one, heck probably killed 100 of them. Yeah that sounds better- but then the crazy hungry Sasquatch came and ate them all up and swallowed all their bones!
    1 point
  14. Gumshoeye the only thing that you've done is show that you told a phony Bigfoot encounter story. This was not by the hand of anybody else here, this is by what you yourself wrote. The only "hurdles" that you're facing is your own lack of honesty and lack of taking responsibility for it. People on this site have spent a lot of time arguing that their personal experiences were 100% legitimate. All you did was provide a solid example of why these 'experiences' could just be completely fabricated. Like I said before- honesty is everything in this field.
    1 point
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