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  1. No, Oil and gas Co. workers do have encounters and they report them. Biologists encounter them and report them. When it's not hushed, then the argument becomes they are just anecdotes yada yada yada "show me a body" yada yada yada. You say you would give them credit, but........ aha gotcha.........., you don't.
    2 points
  2. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/legends/spokanes.htm cut from article: "... I suppose you will beat with me [sic] if I trouble you with a little of their (the Spokane Indians) superstition, which has recently come to my knowledge." "They believe in the existence of a race of giants which inhabit a certain mountain off to the west of us. This mountain is covered with perpetual snow. They inhabit its top. They may be classed with Goldsmith's nocturnal class, as they cannot see in the daytime. They hunt and do all their work: in the night." "They are men stealers. They come to the people's lodges in the night, when the people are asleep, and put them under their skins and take them to their place of abode without their even walking. When they awake in the morning they are wholly lost, not knowing in what direction their home is. The account the Indians give of these giants will in some measure correspond with the Bible account of such a race of beings. They say their track is about a foot and a half long. They will carry two or three beams upon their back at once." "They frequently come in the night, steal their salmon from the nets, and eat them raw. If the people are away they always know when they are coming very near by their strong smell, which most intolerable. It is not uncommon for them to come in the night and give three whistles. Then the stones will begin to hit the houses. The people are troubled with their nocturnal visits." ////////////////////////////////// i would say the Spokane tribes description of the myth that we now call Bigfoot is not at all at odds with what people describe today. yes? no? im not asking anyone to believe in something without tangible proof, on the contrary i think ive been a pretty strong proponent of securing physical proof. But i do not think it is fair to say that the attributes of the myth we call bigfoot is some modern invention.
    1 point
  3. I'm not sure whether to reply or not. I don't want to be the wet blanket at the party. However ... maybe someone should. I don't think the measures have any value. They might if we were only talking about dumb wildlife. We're not. We're talking about something deliberately, consciously adapting its behavior to changes in our behavior. Sometimes even anticipating them and beating us to the draw. The assumptions built into the question are false ... invalid ... making the connection assumed between the measure and the answer irrelevant. I don't believe you can do science in such a situation, I think it is as Thom Powell said, the best you can hope for is to gather intel. We are not gaining intel on an intelligent species while we chase the stupid monkey we imagine exists. MIB
    1 point
  4. Plused for the first sentence. I'd plus you again for the second if they'd let me. Such simple answers. TOO simple for some to grasp it seems. And yet liberating. "I don't know" is the one answer you don't have to defend. There is inner peace in "I don't know" ... except, I suppose, for insecure people threatened by not being able to play expert. MIB
    1 point
  5. Regarding sasquatches vs mythical creatures, how many today report dragon sightings, or sea monsters, or seeing other mythological creatures? For those who would claim the bigfoot phenomenon is only a perpetuation of something born from mythological origins they must grapple with the thousands of reported encounters (still occurring on a regular basis today) as opposed to the minuscule reports of other alleged mythical creatures. But on top of that, they have to discount credible witnesses such as various law enforcement, clergy, and me (and I can attest I'm beyond reproach).
    1 point
  6. Why all the condescending attitudes lately?
    1 point
  7. Hello All, I have an update that is rather important. I spoke to Mike Rugg today and I can tell you he was simply great to talk to. Personable and very candid in relating some additional details regarding the fossil tooth. We talked about his experiences with both Dr. Ketchum and Dr. Sykes. It's quite a story in and of itself. I called him to inform him of my activities in contacting the Archeological Society as well as my contact with the Museum Curator along with my email to Todd Disotell. But a lot of what we talked about was overshadowed when he informed that the remainder of the tooth that he held at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum went missing 10 days ago and is now thought to have been stolen from the Museum. I asked Mr. Ruggs if it would be OK with him if I posted the bad news on this Forum and he agreed that it would be a good thing to do for several reasons: 1) To get the word out for it's return no questions asked 2) To perhaps allow Dr. Brian Sykes to realize the importance of the piece that he currently has in his possession. Also I was told tht Dr. Jeffery Meldrum had requested from Dr. Sykes for it's return to Mr. Rugg . Dr. Sykes replied that he wanted to hear from Mike Rugg himself which he subsequently did and told Mike that he would return the partial sample to him. Mr. Rugg is still waiting for the return of the tooth section. As you can see, without the remainder of the tooth which was stolen from the Museum there is nothing other than Dr. Sykes' sample left to examine. The return or location of this piece of fossilized tooth is very important. Just so whoever has it knows it. There is a chain of custody involved here so there is no way anyone can bring this artifact into the public eye without someone asking questions. The best course of action would be to return it or call Mike Ruggs at the Museum at 1-831-335-4478 to arrange for it's return- anonymously or otherwise. Please seriously consider this request.Thank you
    1 point
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