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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2015 in all areas

  1. I've read: Legend Meets Science Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America , The Discovery of the the Sasquatch , The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story , Searching for Sasquatch:Crackpots, Eggheads and Cryptozoology Abominable Science! In fact, I signed my copy of The Discovery of the Sasquatch in honor of you, DWA. All one need to do is read that book and be exposed to every point you have ever made:
    3 points
  2. I was in the woods when I received a text telling me about Ray's hospitalization several days ago. I returned home last night, and today was the first opportunity I had to visit Ray. I just walked in the door from doing so. Ray is in good spirits, and for a dying man, he looks great. He is ready for the impending transition. We spent our hour and a half together talking about bigfoot, astronomy, interesting people, his rich and unique life, and other stuff. He told me about his books, some of which have yet to be published. He shared insights and stories. It was great. Back in 1997, I was road tripping with my soon-to-be (and now ex-) wife. I subscribed to the WBS newsletter, the Track Record, at the time, so I took a chance and called Ray Crowe when we were in Portland, OR. I was hoping to see the bookstore and some of his sasquatch artifacts kept in his bookstore's basement where the WBS met every month. Ray told me on the phone that all that stuff was over at Larry Lund's home because of a flood or something or other in the bookstore. Ray gave me Larry's number, which I called, and my ex and I spent four or five hours with Larry that night. The evening blew my mind. The thought that there were actually people into this stuff I guess hadn't really occurred to me at that point. I credit (or perhaps "blame" would be a better word) that night with accelerating me to wherever I find myself today. It started with that phone call. It started with Ray. Today, I thanked Ray for this. I'd be lying if I said I did this with dry eyes. I feel like we in the PNW all owe Ray a lot. He started the monthly meetings here in Portland, of which echoes can now be seen in HopsSquatch. He carried on the tradition of newsletters pioneered by the Bay Area Group and the Bigfoot Co-op (am I showing my age now?). He suggested to us that we always wear our "skepticals" while reading his newsletter, as it was raw data, no filters added, which is good advice for all bigfooters. He's not dead yet, but he is on his way to check out. He is/was not only a catalyst for my life path, I am happy to call him a friend. Think positive thoughts for friend of the 'squatch, Ray Crowe.
    2 points
  3. Went to see the Rayster at the VA hospital today. He sends his finest regards to all his friends and associates in the Bigfoot community. He also said to post that he is not long for this Earth, but for you to know he has had a fruitful life. Always positive, he laughed, chuckled, or smiled as we talked about the BIgfootin' life. He said to say a prayer for him, that he probably needs it. At this time, I think it is best to remember the Western Bigfoot Society, The Track Record, the symposiums and camps Ray sponsored. Maybe someone has favorite photos of Ray to post? I took some time to plainly explain to him that he has left a great legacy in the Bigfoot community. This seemed to relax him. It is very difficult for him to take telephone calls, so please don't call. I am, Joe Beelart, West Linn, Oregon
    1 point
  4. Why can't the discusson of BigFooT stay on topic without derailing into fringe topics like ufo's?
    1 point
  5. I think you have strange definition of manipulative snark.
    1 point
  6. I was glad to attend one of Ray's meetings in the past year and a half or so and to be able to shake his hand and tell him of my sighting. I got to share a table with him the night of Paul Grave's presentation before a special WBS meeting. I knew he was in a fragile state of health so I was a little more forward than my usual introverted self that evening. I have his Track Record on CD and he told me of how that came to pass with David Paulides. I will have to double down and make it through all of the Track Record CD now. I am sorry that his state of health has deteriorated but he seemed to be at peace with himself when I was introduced to him not long ago. May special providence shine a light on him to all friends, family, acquaintances and Bigfoot enthusiasts. Prayer's sent!
    1 point
  7. So how closely are you following the whole Hobbit/Ebu Gogo pursuit? You have a basis of myth on the island of a bipedal primate living along side of humans very recently. And you have fossil evidence to back it up. Pretty compelling no?
    1 point
  8. I'd agree with your suggestion that things are relatively less bright where you are. Otherwise ... other places .... it depends on what the tent is made of, how translucent the material is, and how close the hand is to the material. MIB
    1 point
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