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  1. You may keep stating things like this as if they are facts, but they are not. Seems to be the habit of a couple folks, hereabout.
    3 points
  2. Ill Give you the best answers I can anyway! I don't recommend talking to others about it, it can endanger your job opportunities, your reputation, your relationships with your friends and family, everything. My first recommendation is to keep it to yourself. The general public couldn't give a crap about Bigfoot, that is part of why there is so little really known. The best reason I can think of for there being no body is that they are rarely ever alone, they do tend to stick in groups, not always very close but you can count on them sticking together in a area and watching out for trouble. You can also count on you not being aware of this when you are out and around them. I have heard of a few instances of them being shot but the body abandoned due to them being so human, but only a couple of times. Typically how those stories go is idiot shoots one, idiot dies, it gets covered up as a accident or a bear attack. Something to keep in mind. I have little doubt the government at some levels knows all about them and takes steps to protect them, some researchers I know have had areas and caves they know the Bigfoot frequent shut off by the government for things like endangered salamanders and birds that are not actually in the area. If you pick a area to research keep it sacred, NEVER tell ANYONE about it except maybe one very very close family member in case you take a bad fall or something while out, or best yet leave a map in your car in a envelope for rescuers to find, and seal another very detailed map that tells exactly where you plan to be and your route with that family member(s) never to be opened until you are missing for a amount of time you should pick yourself, mine is 24 hours. Never post about it, never leave anything at all that could lead someone to figure out where you go and what you do there, people = trouble. I drive 1.5 hours out of my way just to get to my area, and it isn't because that is the only place that there are Bigfoot around here, it is because that is the most remote area I could find, it guarantees I will not have human interference, and there is not a soul on this earth that knows where that exact spot is. I go alone, I have done so for 2 years as just myself, a pair of Knee-High Danner snake boots, and a smith and Wesson .44 magnum. Some other researchers have close trusted partners they take to the field, if you are more comfortable doing that and can find someone like that do it. Numbers don't put the Bigfoot off. I prefer to go alone however and will likely never take anyone with me, ever. Yes they whoop, I hear that most often as far as vocalizations go but it is the knocks that are easily the most frequent sound they make. I always think of the whoop as a real short crisp owl call or like a monkey. They almost always either moan and howl or do a animal imitation, such as a coyote or a owl. It is imperative that you spend hours on hours listening to these animals in person and on the internet if you can't get close to them in person. I was taught the animals can botch their own calls up sometimes, but they can never sound louder than their lungs allow for, a owl has little owl lungs and a Bigfoot has 900lbs Bigfoot lungs. You will miss ALOT if you do not study animal sounds like a madman I guarantee you that, it will blow your mind how good they are at doing them! They knock, they throw things, they stomp and run, they talk. The knocks can be louder than gunfire or similar to a woodpecker and it seems they either use two rocks or are hitting trees with something, the two sound very different, they can do it just once or very fast, faster than a typical person can even clap. There are some in my area that when they take a step the ground rattles enough that I feel it in my hammock, when they run you can feel it in the ground and hear it, it's pretty neat! The talk sounds just like the sierra sounds, sometimes a quiet grumbling cursing sort of thing(Heard 2x very recently) and sometimes plain as day language(Heard that twice). The sierra sounds are a good listen for the aspiring researcher, I vouch for them 100%! The biggest print I have seen was half of one, it was the heel part of it and was 5-6 inches wide and very deep in the hard ground compared to what I could do. The most common tracks I have found so far are 13 inches long roughly and about 3.5 inches wide. They are very good at getting around and not leaving tracks, so don't let tracks be a indication to you they are or are not in a area. If you come across a line of potential tracks, in my experience, they step one foot directly in front of the other whereas ours are typically off to the side. I have never seen the face in person, I have seen the eyes glowing back at me and seen one from behind. They can be red, orange, blonde, white, black, brown, reddish brown, you name it. My best sighting was blood red, it was so wide in the shoulders I thought it was 2 of them at first, I stopped to look for it at the top of a hill when I heard another one approaching with a feminine voice, yelling. I figure she was trying to warn him I was coming up over the hill. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sCl4nBWxFv8/UAhgOK5POAI/AAAAAAAA1ko/IbI9lRlI6Bk/s1600/chicks2.jpg It was similar to that, I saw the top left of it, seeing it's left shoulder and left side of it's head. It was definitely taller than me but I have never been able to get a exact measurement, never could find where I was standing exactly :/ As far as appearance goes they tend to be real tall, going from 7-12 feet tall even, hair varies alot. Some look basically like big ugly gorillas, some look alot more like us(Patty), and some as Timberghost put it like a dang ugly monster. They are all the same exact thing. As far as locomotion goes they can go on 2 legs or on all 4s on a whim, I would bet a large snickers bar they might just be in the top 5 most explosive and fast "creatures" on land, I had one get out of my sight literally in the blink of a eye, covering 30 feet to get to cover. Some researchers have clocked them at about 40 mph. Yet another reason they don't get blown away, they are either as smart or only very slightly smarter than we are and have that sort of physical capability. Oh and trees, they are pretty incredible at climbing and moving through trees I hear, I have never experienced this personally though. As far as numbers go I will guarantee there are a ton more than most would figure, to the extent it is frightening to the ignorant. You don't have to go far man, they are all over the place, they are just really really REALLY good at staying unnoticed for one, and for two people notice them all the time and noone ever pays attention or realizes what it is even. I have had people swear it was a ghost and others a bear. I would say they rarely RARELY ever get mistaken for bears, but it is the other way around rather, they don't look all that different from a massive black or brown bear when on all 4s, depending on their color, and those colors are fairly common for them it seems to me. I say in the upper 10s of thousands, or the lower end of the 100 thousand spectrum even. They often stick around abandoned buildings and areas that are grown over. Had a few people around here bump into them in some houses abandoned before. And on to the attitude, are they aggressive? Sure they can be, just like us you are going to have some bad apples. I have been bluff charged and tricked before but I didn't consider it aggressive. Alot of what people call "Aggressive behavior" is really just that person being a wuss when you break it down. If they really wanted to get someone, that person would be dead before they ever knew what hit them, period. Fact of the matter is that people don't really go missing that often in the woods, and people don't get eaten by wild animals real often either, in fact it is remarkably rare albeit very terrifying when it does happen. I have exchanged gifts with them, had huge huge success with pictures I bring to the woods, been around 2 babies, had them take crystals, necklaces, and other odd items from me, had them mess with my camping gear, had them throw rocks at me being careful not to hit me but getting oh so close, and knocked back and forth with them before with the most remarkable occasion being one knocking what sounded like a plastic container down below me in a rhythm, just as though it was knocking the melody of a song, and I would try to clap that pattern back, it would wait a moment and do it again with a new pattern, I would repeat. Went on 3 or 4 times before thunder started up(Bad storms rolling in that morning) and I started to move, when I did ZIP a rock slammed into the tarp I had hung over my hammock, just missing my head by about a foot or so, it was a fist sized rock it threw from maybe 40 or so feet away, up over a 9 or so foot tall cliff, with stunning accuracy. My recommendation? Go to walmart and pick up your favorite chewbacca toy, go out if you got the money and get you a Scotch laminating machine with 5' mil pouches, I put 2 pouches to a picture, I put one pouch on and run it through the machine,then I put another ontop of that and run that twice, that is how I do it and it saves money in the long run because they don't get destroyed by the weather. Get some photo paper and just go crazy. Print off your favorite pictures and everything! I will give you a sample of what I have taken up there here! Take that stuff up to a area you are pretty sure they are, especially good if it is one that has good fresh water year round that is not bothered or visited by humans and if it is a area that has alot of deer, and a area you are very sure people will not bother you, you MUST keep the things you bring up there well hidden and keep any food you leave out far away from any gifts you bring(And away from you!), never let the two touch, never underestimate the nose of a mouse or a bear! Always assume the Bigfoot will always be watching you. And always follow that safety protocol with the map at the least, safety safety safety! You must be as comfortable as possible when you are out there, make that your first priority, bringing a gun is what I recommend but atleast bring a big freaking knife and some bear spray, I say one or the other. Sheesh is this post long enough yet? You don't have to stay the night with them, very very few researchers do, most are afraid of them and don't ever actually want to see one in fact. Try to build confidence and play with the gifts until you get sure they are there and that they recognize you, I say if you go to a area and start working around and don't get any activity stay there for about 2 weeks, don't get discouraged to fast! You will NEVER know when they are there unless they LET YOU know, freaking PERIOD. Leave the gifts atleast, if you feel safe feel free to stay they night as often as you like, they aren't going to kill you. I never build fires to avoid being detected by people and to keep everything dark to keep from irritating their eyes at night. Are the woods a dangerous place? You bet, there are bees, spiders, snakes, cougars, bears, wild dogs, hogs, falling trees, chaotic weather, slippery rocks, hidden holes in the ground, and worst of all people. Watch your back out there and most of all have a good time! Sample Pictures http://postimg.org/gallery/16lxqwwla/ Chewbacca toy, the one I got though wasn't this, it was much smaller but the same price as this, it roared when you shook it, I think they took it because it reminded them of themselves though. http://www.walmart.com/ip/2-Halloween-Greeter-Star-Wars-Chewbacca-Holding-Pumpkin/35921189 This is the laminator I use, I figure they all must be about the same though! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CLV8ZIU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00 I bring them food too, peanut butter and apples, salted peanuts, chocolate, just whatever you think they might like really. Try putting it in tough plastic containers and see if the containers vanish! Get them a mirror too and leave it up there, I know a few researchers who have good sized ones, maybe a little over 12' diameter, who will leave them face down and come back to find them face up and such things. Little details like that you gotta watch out for. This is the best video I have ever seen of one, what I saw looked just like this but more a red color whereas this is reddish brown, and mine was alot broader in the shoulder. Notice the point on the top of it's head, it doesn't have a crest, and they don't as far as I have always been told, their hair just sticks up.
    3 points
  3. Respectfully disagree wholesale with above posting. How many think rudimentary, haphazard "structures" owe their existence to a heretofore unrecognized bipedal cryptid? Your mileage may vary.
    2 points
  4. ^^The scientists who have read up on the topic agree.
    2 points
  5. Tigers are believed to paralyze prey momentarily with infrasound. Size and physiology are more a factor here than species. The argument that no other primates use infrasound, so bigfoot don't, is superficial at best. There are plenty of things that we, humans, as primates, do that no other primates do. The reason often is that we have the capability to do things other primates cannot and have determined that there is an advantage in doing them. With regard to bigfoot, infrasound as a directed capability is a physiological possibility due to the volume of the lungs and the ability to emit powerful vocalizations. Since bigfoot has the physiological capability to use infrasound it would likely learn to use this capability to its advantage. Doesn't matter whether or not other primates do or not. The ability to affect something else with infrasound depends on focusing the infrasound into a powerful burst at a frequency to which the target is vulnerable. If a nerve bundle, for example, can be forced to resonate at given frequency, then its normal function could be disrupted, possibly resulting in paralysis and the other symptoms described. I can think of a couple of instances where I and others suddenly pulled up short with an uneasy feeling and decided to take a different route. This could be have been due to a low intensity infrasound warning. Just enough to let us subconsciously know that something was ahead of us. I offer this because it's the closest thing I've personally experienced, though I was in one situation where one of my friends, who was within arm's reach of an adult male bigfoot, was rooted to the ground for the duration of the encounter. I was unaware of the possibility of infrasound at the time and didn't discuss it with him from that perspective, though. Anyway, as an engineer, I was initially skeptical about "zapping", but after looking into it from a biomechanical perspective, I'm not so ready to dismiss it. Going out on a limb, an intelligent creature, capable of focusing powerful infrasound signals in a given direction may actually develop the ability to elicit a number of effects. Aside from temporary paralysis, a modulation designed to produce uneasiness (warn subjects away) is possible, as might be a modulation designed to calm a target (an infrasound purr or croon). This is just speculation, but is within the realm of possibility.
    1 point
  6. OMG this is hilarious: I believe you've made the "other side's" point better than they ever could have. The fact is fishermen hunters loggers hikers homeowners etc have been reporting bigfoots for years despite science not "discovering" them. MIB
    1 point
  7. You may keep stating things like this as if they are facts, but they are not.
    1 point
  8. So far, I think this thread is bearing out its original purpose. It was/is, to merely document this stuff that keeps popping up in forested areas in N. America, noting that no plausible evidence of human agency in the creation of it has been advanced, the purpose behind its creation is uncertain, and the creation of it by natural causes is just as unlikely. That there continues to be a correlation between reports of BF encounters in the proximity of these structures makes this phenomenon all the more intriguing. So, to sum it up: 1. These are there. 2. They are either beyond the physical capability of humans without mechanical assistance, or would have no discernible purpose if done in that manner. 3. Wind, rain, ice and snow are inadequate explanations. 4. They are found in the proximity of areas where BF sightings have been reported. 5. There are consistent patterns of construction across time and vast geographic areas. 6. Their purpose is unknown. 7. Their origins remain unexplained. I would welcome any discussion of these points that is evidence based, and not just rank opinion, or any other points germane to the subject, and which I've failed to note.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Are coelacanths reported to be lurking around backyards and campgrounds?
    1 point
  11. Maybe it's the remains of a game of bigfeets Jenga.
    1 point
  12. "Bigfoot" was the name originally given to the particular creature that left tracks around Jerry Crew's construction site. The newspapers ran with it and began using it in their reporting to refer to any big hairy monster.
    1 point
  13. Regarding the downside of Bigfoot, it was once used against me in an attempt to take over a contract I had with a Fortune 10 company. Some of you know that after leaving the military, I repurposed my experience in nuclear, biological and chemical defense into anti-terrorism consulting in the private sector. I started doing this in '98 right after the African Embassy bombings and had three lean years. Then 2001. Within three years I was consulting full time for the world's largest insurance company. The contract expanded massively and I needed more engineers with military experience, so I reached out to a friend from the military who was running a successful government contracting company. Anyway, one afternoon, I get asked about my bigfoot experience, and he's grinning ear to ear. I explain it and move on. But that's not the end of it. The next day is the steering committee meeting for the project. I walk in with one C-level staff officer present and three who are in position to take over C-level staff positions, and it's brought up again. I then relate my Class A encounter from Washoe County Nevada as clinically as possible. And then move on. In the end, it didn't hurt me, but that was only because I was forthcoming about it and they had already developed a high level of confidence in me. But, It's a good thing to consider that if someone thinks they can use it against you to their advantage, they may well do so.
    1 point
  14. Maybe it has something to do with making a fool of himself over the Bluff Creek Massacre thing? Or maybe being involved in the failed Ketchum study? Maybe he's just not selling as much merchandise and books as he had hoped? Could be a number of things.
    1 point
  15. Over my scientific lifetime, human and prehuman origins have been pushed further and further back. Not much I was taught in college is even valid any more. Nothing in human history would really surprise me because of fragmented, and huge gaps in the fossil record, and the fact that most of what we know about human history is constantly found to be wrong. Beyond that the Sumerian culture was supposed to be the dawn of civilization and before that mankind was groups of wandering hunter gatherers. Fast forward to now, and we know that complex civilizations predate the Sumarian's by thousands of years. Gobekli Tepe, a complex megalithic site in Turkey, may date back to as much as 14,000 years ago. Those structures of massive monoliths adorned with modern looking sculptures were hardly thrown up by hunter gatherers. Either known human history is wrong, or we have been sharing the planet with alien intelligences. I have to think that we are pretty much clueless about human origins and even more clueless about the history of other primates on this planet.
    1 point
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