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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2015 in all areas

  1. ThinkerThunker and excellent video forensics do not belong in the same sentence.
    3 points
  2. A trailer park in New Town, ND is not wild country. A Philips 66 in Las Vegas, ND is not wild country. I do not think Bigfoot exists anywhere. My question is to those who think it does to indicate where they think Bigfoot does not exist and why. Belief culture views encouragement to apply critical thinking to belief as game playing. Woods & Wildmen is the game, the adult roleplaying game where you populate every corner of your land with boogeymen and view yourselves as maverick thinkers with those who don't know about those awesome beings as being sheeple or scoftic denialists. When shown something that any manner of rational thinking dictates should be discarded as absurd, it is sprinkled with the Bigfoot belief fairy dust - trees and water. Even should the sighting location be scrubs and desert, as long as somewhere nearish enough has trees and water, it gets a pass. That fairy dust allows the necessary condition to play Woods & Wildmen - the suspension of disbelief. So where does Bigfoot not exist?
    3 points
  3. "I know several folks in ND that have seen a BF. Crossed the road in front of them during a snow storm in the killdeer mountains. Also know of a tribal law enforcement officer that keeps a map with the BF sightings on the reservation. Lots of push-pins in that map. So, unfortunately, I would have to go with folks that live in the area." Cotter Technically speaking, you know several folks in ND that claim to have seen a bigfoot. You have no way of knowing what they saw as a fact.
    2 points
  4. I think we established early on in this thread. Bigfoot does not exist sadly. I so wish it did.
    2 points
  5. How do you make such blanket statements and sleep at night? So because Yellowstone or Banff has apartment buildings that nullifies their status as wilderness? People stereotype all the time, its how our brain unfortunately works. When I tell people I'm from Washington state they immediately comment that it rains there all the time..... When people think of North Dakota they think of flat farms fields. When people think of Nevada they think of flat scorched earth, when in fact the largest grove of Aspen trees in the world resides there. Remember the puzzle maps we got as kids? With each state having maybe one or two features put on the map? Washington had apples and fish....Texas had cows and oil. People it would seem take this incredibly simplified view of the USA to heart. I've traveled the USA alot. And one thing that never ceases to amaze me is that I learn something new each time I travel. And preconceptions are broken...... Was in the black hills for the first time this year, I had a few buttes and a few ponderosa pine sprinkled about, boy was I wrong. As far as your wilds and woodsman JREF jibberish I could care less. I pack a rifle that shoots real bullets with me to my haunts. If I see it Im going to drop it......it really is that simple.
    1 point
  6. Remaining as an unclassified species is absurd, totally agreed, but not for the reasons you suggest. Agreed, but do you base all your opinions on cherry picked data? Also, do you believe these creatures are taking up residence in a gas station parking lot or trailer park? Or could it be that quite possibly, an animal living in the wild occassionally makes its way into more urban areas. Has this ever happened? Has a bear, moose, deer, lion EVER been spotted in a populated area? Hmmm..... Regarding ND as a whole - I know several folks in ND that have seen a BF. Crossed the road in front of them during a snow storm in the killdeer mountains. Also know of a tribal law enforcement officer that keeps a map with the BF sightings on his reservation. Lots of push-pins in that map. So, unfortunately, I would have to go with folks that live in the area. Have you spent any time out in ND? The grasses can get taller than humans, the Theodore Roosevelt Nat'l Park - 1 million acres. Funny story, I was out there with my GF over 10 years ago and spotted a mountain lion. We reported it, were told they weren't in the area. Fast forward 10 years and they're studying a reproducing population in the very same area where we saw one. Mountain lions, a known species, can evade detection and recognition for a long time...with witness reports being ignored.....sound familiar?
    1 point
  7. Or you could refer to the actual definition... ab·surd·i·ty əbˈsərdədē,əbˈzərdədē/ noun the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable. Bigfoot existing in every state and province of North America with a greater range than that of the black bear or American crow, coming into trailer parks and to people's houses in North Dakota, yet remaining an unclassified species is an absurdity, ridiculous, wildly unreasonable. What this thread shows is that Bigfoot enthusiasts will not have their Woods & Wildmen taken away from them because the address isn't right. Trailer parks, the middle of the desert, it's all good. Bigfoot is everywhere yet nowhere.
    1 point
  8. Moon, June, spoon... Hey, who saw THAT one coming, I tell ya...color me gobsmacked. I always loved that Doonesbury cartoon about the "secret" bombing of Cambodia, with the Cambodian peasant testifying before Congress. " 'Look', I said, 'Here come the bombs...' "
    1 point
  9. There is more in common with faeries and bigfoot than most of your proponents will try to avoid. Both have historical accounts and stories from indegenous peoples and preindustrial societies. We are told the native american accounts of bigfoot like creatures are significant. Lots of bigfoot behavior I've read is fairly similar to faerie stories. The zapping,infrasound, confusion, gifting, psychic powers, stick structures, wood knocks, rock throws and general mischief making. They could all be faeries or bigfoot. All the faerie encounters people report to friends or law enforcement must be considered as well. How could people from 1000 years ago to today give consistent accounts of faeries and there be nothing to it? Are they all on drugs, hallucinating, hoaxing, lying, mistaken, insane? There is some evidence for faeries people collect in the form of faerie dust, pictures, footprints, etc. like the bigfoot evidence we have the authenticity is suspect. No faerie pgf though that i know of. The big difference now is we know better. We have science and know there is no real magic or faeries they dont really fit in with the modern worldview. Bigfoot, aliens and ufos, can fit snugly in the cracks though. Bigfoot fits in with what we know about evolution, migration patterns, etc. So are obviously fake but bigfoot is plausible. The biggest similarity though is we have no conclusive evidence for either
    1 point
  10. They lost their bid to revoke his tenure correct, but I would disagree that it had no impact.If most of academia thinks this subject is ridiculous? As skeptics argue? Why would it be surprising to find bias or negativity against the few scientist who are proponents? The article clearly says there has been no request for review filed to revoke his tenure only grumblings from othe staff who are embarassed every time they see Idaho State University mentioned on a bigfoot show. The way I read it the process was never even started.Did I miss something?
    1 point
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