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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2015 in all areas

  1. <I reply to *everyone* when I post here> You specifically directed that answer to 67MOPAR, who is banned. Just admit you don't pay attention to the small details, like what day it is (April Fools, etc)
    5 points
  2. Hmmm... What case are you referring to? The case he is imposing upon you, that you are a deranged person he has arrived upon the BFF to set free. He wants you to join him, click your heels three times, and stop paying attention to what all those crazy fools call 'evidence' because we all know science has proven everything. No problem. Check in with me whenever you need clarification on dmaker. LOL. Nice one. Turns out, I was right, he was full of it. I hear egg can be good for the complexion.
    2 points
  3. What does your comment have to do with tree breaks? You make the same comment in every thread and then complain about people pushing agendas and being off topic.
    2 points
  4. The one where you get taken seriously.
    2 points
  5. With Halloween just around the corner, I was reminded of an old but unshared (and most likely not original) theory of mine about a possible relationship between some reportedly haunted places and bigfoot. While perusing a website that related supposed spooky goings-on at a few local haunted locations, I was struck by the fact that several of the outdoor locations (a cemetery, a mass grave, and a Revolutionary War battlefield) are each within a mile or two of areas with (relatively) credible bigfoot activity personally investigated by myself over the years. An intriguing coincidence in itself, and one which got even more interesting as I read the purported ghostly activities at these sites. Reports of glowing red eyes, inhuman screams, sounds of footfalls and breathing with no visible source, and the sense (and sounds) of being shadowed/paralleled while in the location. This should sound very familiar to anyone with an even passing familiarity with the bigfoot phenomenon. Instead of ghosts, I have a sneaking suspicion that folks may be encountering a local sasquatch or two in these areas. I am interested to know if anyone here is aware of any correlating reports in their area, as well as anyone's thoughts on the possibility that some 'ghosts' reported out there may actually be alive, eight feet tall with a size 24 foot, and in need of a full-body waxing.
    1 point
  6. I know what your saying i guess i dont know enough about ghosts to say either way. If something is tracking me through the forest a **** ghost is the last thing on my mind
    1 point
  7. No kidding. All such claims should be evaluated skeptically. That doesn't mean we should dismiss them, though.
    1 point
  8. If someone is claiming to have a encountered a ghost, but you are suggesting that might have actually been near a sasquatch, then I would suggest that they obviously did not get a clear look at what they saw or heard, or whatever, and the whole claim should be suspect.
    1 point
  9. If you listen to my recording in the post at #158 you will find that the recording I made of a wolf call is so similar to the Ohio howl/moan (minus the baking dog) that my impression is that the recording from Ohio has to be a wolf. I am not a scientist nor an expert in audio analysis. I don't know how common wolves are in Ohio, but I have heard these wolf calls on many occasions and they are sometimes accompanied by other howling wolves. My recording was made in northern MN where there are several thousand wolves. I have found wolf scat and deer remains on our Superior Nat'l Forest property, so I know they are always nearby. The sounds that I am more interested in are the whoops and howls that don't sound like any canine or large cat and also the knocks i capture on the recorders. I continue to leave audio recorders out every night that I am at the northern property. Many nights I capture the same animal sounds and frequently hear rock clacks and tree knocks. These knocks I can't explain. They are often one to three loud knocks fairly close immediately followed by the same number of knocks off in the distance. This series is sometimes repeated a short time later. They might also be something easily explainable, but I haven't discovered what it is so I am not ruling out the possibility that it could be a bf since the close knocks would take a great deal of force to produce the sound. As for the rock clacks, we recently discovered pieces of smashed crayfish and fish scales on our dock and shoreline and our minnow bucket completely emptied two nights in a row. We learned there are river otters that were seen in the area. They do use rocks as tools to smash open crayfish shells and I just learned they have been known to open minnow buckets of other property owners on the lake.
    1 point
  10. Yes. Exactly right. The intention is to fool you into thinking something else is making the sounds. Horse manure.
    1 point
  11. Yah, I'm a proponent that has had a experience with a large bipedal trackway in deep snow with my father. I'm a overzealous jerk when it comes to my position on being pro kill. And I started Project Grendel for the sole purpose of presenting science with a body. I think my unicorn comment may have thrown him, I was speaking from the perspective of mainstream science. Sorry.
    1 point
  12. Simply read 150 more sighting reports. Our resident self-proclaimed scientist will congratulate you once you come around.
    1 point
  13. ThinkerThunker and excellent video forensics do not belong in the same sentence.
    1 point
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