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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Post away, DWA. Get it out of your system. Post like the wind! Then spare us the constant drone of your uber predictable anti-scientist screeds.
    2 points
  2. In addition to an absolute bumbling of scientific concepts, you're now adding conspiracy theory to your repetoire? Sure. Why not? It must be difficult to maintain your position on simply being wrong. It's handy to have something else to shift the blame to. Darned scientists suppressing bigfoot evidence. Yeah...excuse me while I snicker..
    1 point
  3. But this line of reasoning ignores several factors: 1) We do have strange creatures showing up on camera traps. But they are proclaimed a mangy bear, an owl or somebody in a ghillie suit. What body of skeptics goes out to these sights and does a proper investigation? You can say what you want but the Bigfoot community for the most part polices itself. From John Greene and Rene Dahinden busting Ivan Marx to the Sasquatch Detective and others busting Todd Standing. So this medium of evidence is for the most part simply dismissed off hand. You click on it, you proclaim it to be a mangy Bear or hoax, you LULZ, and you go brush your teeth. 2) We have clear footage of a Bigfoot walking up a creek bed. I own many camera traps and im confident after reviewing video I have of Bears, Deer and Chipmunks that the PGF is as good as it gets for the modern 200 dollar camera trap amatuer. And if I posted up Bigfoot footage taken from my stealth camera TOMMOROW, by the time the sun went down the Skeptics would have either dismissed it as X.....or they would have proclaimed it a hoax. So what are we talking about here? We get new Bigfoot footage in DAILY, everything from them chasing cars in the rear veiw mirror to tiny dark specks walking a glacier a mile away, and everything in between. We are all waiting for the Nat Geo quality money shot.......but unfortunately no one is running around the woods with hundreds of thousands of dollars of camera gear with the exception of a couple of Bigfoot shows. That are guaranteed not to see anything in the woods because of the massive group of clanky, noisy, camera crew running amok. So I find it odd that a skeptic would post up this thread proclaiming that we have no pictures of Sasquatch when in fact he spends most of his time adding red lines and circles to BIgfoot PICTURES and proclaims them all a hoax on this same forum!! So which is it? We have no photos or we just like to pick apart the plethora we already have? And add insult to injury? If we did score the winning lottery number and that giant gaggle of ultra hi def camera crew was able to stumble upon a bona fide Bigfoot frolicking in a meadow for an hour? The scientists would still be looking for the zipper........ Apes dont live in north America.......apes dont walk on two legs, apes dont have full time breasts, blah blah blah. The PGF was not dismissed on quality of the film! On the contrary! The film was dismissed as a hoax because of all the attributes that Patty exhibited that they could see very clearly! Now we say the quality of the film sucks because its been copied a gazillion times in 48 years. No one said it sucked 48 years ago. But none the less it was off handedly dismissed as a hoax. No Smithsonian scientific team was ever dispatched to measure or study one log or tree at that film site. Nor the trackway, nor the substate, nothing. What gives? This is why I do not put one iota of trust in this medium ever moving us one yard closer to the goal posts. If the CCP under grads ever record a strange creature on one of their camera traps? It would probably be wisest to erase it and forget about. No upside but plenty of side ways glances and murmurs of a hoax with the downside......
    1 point
  4. hiflier, I don't know if you've had any encounters of your own, but I've had several. We agree that they are omnivores and we agree that they need a lot to eat every day, but your ASSumption that they are universally benign creatures is faulty. I perceive them as continuously hungry, continuously in search of immediate, or future, food sources. I perceive the primary reason that they lurk around us as food related, not curiosity. Yes, they are curious, but food will always be a prime consideration in their minds. As I've stated, they think, reason, and choose courses of action based on the situation. They do eat as much meat as they can get their hands on. They have to in order to support their muscle mass and cranial development. They need high protein intake and would not be what they are without it. THIS is also nature. They are top predators. Their lurking behavior is no different than that of a tiger, a wolf, a bear, or child molester. I have on two occasions been in situations where they have attempted TO DRIVE PEOPLE AWAY from food that they were cooking. Food that was not harvested from the environment, food that they had brought with them and were preparing. In another encounter, one had its arm in our tent trying to take a dog from us when it woke me up. I also believe that if my brother and I had run as the male that confronted us expected, it may well have taken Dave. I don't know if "zapping" is something they actually do, but I do know that from a biomechanical standpoint it is possible. The adult male that fully exposed itself in broad daylight had no need to do so if all it wanted to do was avoid us. It, and any others with it, could have slipped away to the South without any of us ever knowing that they were there. Instead, it presented itself and it sure didn't act curious. It seemed stern and annoyed when my brother and I didn't run, then briefly cautious, then disinterested. It was as if it were thinking, "are you really going to stand up to me?", then "do they have some ability to injure me that I can't see?", then "don't bother, I really don't want him anyway." I could go on about food related encounters and being stalked while fishing. WE ARE A SOURCE OF FOOD. We make kills, fish for, gather, collect and store food that they steal, we plant, grow, breed, husband, and harvest food that they pilfer. We provide in plenty food sources with vital nutrients that they cannot easily find in large quantities, and we cook it, creating aromas that apparently inspire them to attempt to drive us away from the food at times. And in a pinch, it would not surprise me in the least if they grab a wandering child from inattentive parents or an isolated cross-country skier during a harsh winter. If a bigfoot wants something and feels that it can take it with impunity, then it likely will. Who's going to stop it if we aren't paying attention, don't see it, or no one else is around to stand up to it? You are entitled to your platitudes, but you're wasting your time if you believe you can sway me from my own experiences.
    1 point
  5. I have to take some small issue w/the title of the OP. Standing was exposed a long time ago due, in part, to the very fine efforts of several Forum members w/skills in computers, photography, and other specialized areas. Perhaps the question is whether Standing has finally given up all hope of continuing his hoaxes unchecked.
    1 point
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