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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2023 in all areas

  1. Of course it’s PROOF. And yes! Your picture proves the military knows about Santa as well. But if it being a joke is some sort of disqualification to you? (Which the government does to discredit people all the time) What about the Army Corps of Engineers Gazetteer? It’s complete with a sightings map! Myth or no myth? The government is WELL AWARE of Bigfoot.
    1 point
  2. Are you really saying the April fools day joke (the link you posted) they put out was proof the government knows about Bigfoot? I’m really serious. Was there some link I’m missing or was that really it? If so I’m sorry I missed it. If that was it I assume you mean them making a joke is in some way actual proof by joking it is a cover up? I hope I’m just not clicking on this so I’m honestly confused. If that is the case, I would have you look away from NORAD official government Santa tracker:
    1 point
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