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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. See the 1941 Ruby Creek incident, John Green Report # 1000009 (BC is in North America) "The Chapman home was on a small Indian reserve beside the Fraser River, only a few hundred yards from the mountain foot. A deputy sheriff, Joe Dunn from Bellingham, made a cast of a track. It was later lost but a tracing of it survives." Also in the John Green database is a report from 1949 in Stevens County Washington. (John Green 1000686 - not posted on BFF) "Ben Thompson said he saw a very large sasquatch at Leadpoint, watching it through a scope at 800 to 1000 yards, and tried to put his bear dogs on its trail, but they declined. It was heading West over the mountain towards Northport. Said tracks were of cripple-foot, but was very graceful. Said he had cast." Bob Titmus cast a track in BC in 1961, but the cast was lost when his boat burned. (John Green 1000047 - not posted on BFF) "Bob Titmus had anchored his boat in the shelter of an islet in Kitasu Bay during a storm and saw tracks on the beach. He had to strip and swim ashore to look at them. They started at the tideline and went into the brush, where he could not follow at the time. Later he was unable to find where the tracks re-entered the water, presumably over solid rock. The cast was destroyed the following year when his boat burned." Besides those 3, there were a few more in the 50's
    1 point
  3. Quite frankly the avalanche doesn’t make any sense at all. They should have been buried in that tent. Low oxygen? The mountain at its peak was 4000 feet. Should be plenty of oxygen. Hypothermia? Some of them probably did die of exposure….. after they cut themselves out of a perfectly good tent and fled in their underwear and some of them died from blunt force trauma. What were they running from? And the locals having problems with people missing, and reindeer dead and their tongues ripped out? Seems a bit odd…..and same time frame. Birds will attack the eyeballs and soft fleshy areas. But that doesn’t explain exploded hearts and organs and broken ribs. Or dude biting through his knuckle. Evidently he was that scared? I mean ALL 9 people all fled and left their gear behind. And what is the photo of?
    1 point
  4. Coincidentally, I just watched ‘Yeti Massacre’ on HBO. That was a horrible event to be sure. Not sure that the (2nd) official explanation of an avalanche makes sense. Are any classified animals known to rip a tongue out and not eat the body? Why would they cut slits in their tents and not just unzip the door if they were oxygen deprived? Or, better yet, why not descend? They also left the forrest and made camp in an open field for some reason. And one hiker apparently bit completely through his finders, trying not to scream? Whatever happened to them was very terrifying and it seemed to unfold over several days…
    1 point
  5. Howdy everyone! I've been looking for a community to share with and learn from. I don't have any sighted experiences, but I have had some weird experiences. I enjoy researching the topic about these beings and I love hearing about peoples experiences. Thanks!
    1 point
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