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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in all areas

  1. ^ I’m shocked! No, I mean I’m zapped! Wrote a song about it: My foot’s better than your foot My foot’s better than yours My foot’s better cuz he zaps people ⚡️ My foot’s better than yours… Stay tuned for several earth-shattering videos of my habituated family of dwarf bigfeet zapping everything in sight! ETA, Spring 2034
    1 point
  2. I spent a week hiking around Lassen a number of years ago, went up to the top of the peak and all around a bunch of other trails. Like most national parks you can get in traffic jams driving around but once you get a mile or so in the backcountry you hardly see anybody. I found a fairly decent Nikon camera with a large lens on it laying to the side of a trail a few miles in, I stood and called for awhile but nobody responded. I went ahead and put it on top of a tree trunk nearby figuring if it came out of somebody’s pack they may come along looking for it. A few hundred yards later I found fresh bear tracks making me wonder if it was dropped while they got chased. I went by a ranger station later letting them know about the camera/tracks nearby, they took my number but I never heard anything. Stopped in Willow Creek and spent some time in Six Rivers after that, no sign of BF during the whole trip unfortunately.
    1 point
  3. Hello all! I have had an interest in all things strange and unexplained since the late '70s. Within the last 10 years I have gone deep into the subject of bigfoot. I have had several, what I believe to be, encounters. So far no face to face undeniable ones though. I was brought to this site by the Bigfoot Mapping Project in hopes of reading about an encounter that happened near me.
    1 point
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