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Rick Dyer Again

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Exactly! People wasting thier time on the Gurney statements.

It's no waste of time. If Musky goofed on this detail, then we can assume he goofed on other details. Again, he was very clear in his description.

Regardless, the biggest concern is not about the "type" of gurney but the size of the gurney.

How can you fit something that's 38" wide, on a surface that's 24" wide, without the arms falling down and without using straps?

  • He did not mention straps
  • He did not mention a board or other material, on top of the gurney
  • He DID mention an additional gurney being used to accommodate the length of the Bigfoot
  • He did not mention any alterations made to accommodate the width or girth of the creature

If I were going to move the 800 lb body of my Bigfoot, I would strap the thing on to the surface so it would not fall off. Also, I would not want the arms falling off the side to drag on the floor.

Musky did not say a peep about this "minor or insignificant" detail.


The one thing that jumps out at me is this: Why is there NO reporting anywhere in the mainstream press about this? I mean we have the biggest discovery of the past hundred years or so and nothing, anywhere about this? Now THAT is what smells to me...

Not really. The mainstream media has their own agenda to follow. For it to get legs they would need a get a preliminary report from local media, be invited to report or do the investigative ground work. They are not the Eye of Sauron.


No I think I would sign one for this story. If you had a first hand experience with this story, ie. you were either a witness or an academic/professional called in to work on it. You would have a totally different perspective on the whole experience because you were actually involved in it. If you are told the reasons for signing an NDA, and it made sense to you, and you already knew this great secret that everyone else would find out about in the future, I think your attitude would be 'yes I agree its a good idea to sign an NDA'?

We have a few people here on this forum who know a few things and are keeping quiet - Sasfooty and Christopher Noel are two. They havent blagged have they? And why not? Because they respect the reason for keeping quiet. If thats two people we are aware of here, then why cant there be others?


I honestly don't see why so many people are convinced that Minnow is involved. They filmed a doc with Dyer in it. Sure, no problem we know that much. It's very possible that the doc does not include, or extend to, this current hoax. And that Dyer just grabbed some quick cell footage of a prop in action and is running with it and doing his own thing. If anything, this will just help that segment of the movie because, call me crazy Jacki, but I'm pretty sure that Dyer is not the moral hero of the movie. So what do they care if he goes all dirt bag again and perpetrates a hoax aftewards? Why shut him down? It just highlights what a nutter he is, and helps the audience realize that they chose the right nutball for that portion of the movie. They don't need to be running around right now paying people off to keep silent, etc. All they need to do is just sit back and watch the free PR build up.


Matt moneymaker gave his opinion on twitter.

Matt Moneymaker @MattMoneymaker1


@fatherskeeper Dyer is a hoaxer. He's had others "confirm" his possession of a dead body before, when he really had nothing. Same situation.

about 1 hour ago

That holds a lot of wieght.
Guest VioletX

Cisco, he did not measure the gurney or the Bigfoot, just guessed. I f you ask me right now how tall my 4 yr old is, I cannot tell you even within a few inches,I am sure I will be wrong.


Remember that obesity has reached an all time epidemic in alot of countries and I know that many utilities are now made for larger sizes. I am sure a 'gurney' would come in many sizes.

....you are all crazy to think this is still a hoax?

Thanks for the laugh...no really, thanks! JK!


Not really. The mainstream media has their own agenda to follow. For it to get legs they would need a get a preliminary report from local media, be invited to report or do the investigative ground work. They are not the Eye of Sauron.

I disagree...someone in the press somewhere should have knowledge about this earth shattering news-this is a big deal if true...IF...I'm becoming less and less convinced-and I was really excited just this morning


Apologies if this has been anwered, but what was the date the BF was allegedly shot?

I ask because FB/FB had no date filled in for the Tent Video on a list contained in a video I posted earlier and I know it's alleged that the BF was killed that same day/evening?

Also was there any discussion as to how the BF was taken out of the San Antonio woodland???....I think logic dicates that Rick and whoever made up the crew snuck it out of Texas.....because if the local authorities were called the BF body doesn't get extradited to Las Vegas.....It's staying in Texas....for numerous reasons......Jurisdiction being the main one...."Texas" BF stay in Texas.... and since it's an unknown species who might carry harmful diseases....you can bet that the Centers for Federal Disease Control would be involved as well....And neither Ricky nor some group from across the pond is getting a Texas BF to Las Vegas....

So how did they do it? Shot it and then rented a U-haul to drive to Vegas???? they didn't fly it there.......that's fine but where's the proof that he was driving this thing to Vegas(not even getting into the decay/preservation issues) If there is no confirmed date for the shooting and receipts for Rental with refrideration..... for the 18 hour trip to Las Vegas.....that thing could get ripe in a hurry.....


You guys are assuming that there is more people in on the story other than dyer and musky. We don't know this is a fact.

ONCe again...not one person has confirmed minnow films actually filmed him shooting the bigfoot and dyer and musky are the only two people saying there is a bigfoot.


It's no waste of time. If Musky goofed on this detail, then we can assume he goofed on other details. Again, he was very clear in his description.

Regardless, the biggest concern is not about the "type" of gurney but the size of the gurney.

How can you fit something that's 38" wide, on a surface that's 24" wide, without the arms falling down and without using straps?

  • He did not mention straps
  • He did not mention a board or other material, on top of the gurney
  • He DID mention an additional gurney being used to accommodate the length of the Bigfoot
  • He did not mention any alterations made to accommodate the width or girth of the creature

If I were going to move the 800 lb body of my Bigfoot, I would strap the thing on to the surface so it would not fall off. Also, I would not want the arms falling off the side to drag on the floor.

Musky did not say a peep about this "minor or insignificant" detail.

Maybe the "gurney" has an adjustable width option. Why make up a detail such as this when it would be easier to just say that it was on a very large table. The interesting thing about this type of detail is that it suggests the "creature" was moved in place for viewing. And that also suggest that wherever it was previously could be the reason for its evidently good state of preservation. Just sayin'.


Ah, John... Why so much "demanding"? I agree with you, more information is always better than less. By why is there so much energy and stress and angst here in the acquisition of that information? Did Violet "demand" all the information she got from every single one of the many people she communicated with -- the ones who treated her graciously in return, and GAVE her that information? Did you have to "demand" from Google that it give you the links you needed to learn about embalming?

Passion is lovely. Clearly I have plenty myself. But "demanding" things will just exhaust you in the end, and very likely cause the people from whom you most want the information to stop giving it to you.

Questions demand answers. If something that doesn't add up, doesn't make you take a closer look at thing, pull on your curiosity or at least take notice, then we wouldn't have survived as a species. With great claims comes great requirements for proof.

I'm sorry I hold higher standards for belief than you. If that's offensive then I sincerely apologize. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head and the terms I used demand or require isn't the same as you're implying. There's no stress, except for those that can be exposed by this.


Not really. The mainstream media has their own agenda to follow. For it to get legs they would need a get a preliminary report from local media, be invited to report or do the investigative ground work. They are not the Eye of Sauron.

+ for Eye of Sauron. lol

Guest thermalman
Posted (edited)

@simplyskyla Musky did state, "other people were there" at the viewing.

Edited by thermalman
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