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Rick Dyer Again

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I disagree...someone in the press somewhere should have knowledge about this earth shattering news-this is a big deal if true...IF...I'm becoming less and less convinced-and I was really excited just this morning

It's not earth-shattering. Bigfoot is a fringe topic that is often ridiculed by media. It has been regulated to the tabloid market for years. If and when it ever gets reported, it will be treated like a unique human interest story at first. It won't be: BREAKING NEWS! We interrupt Wolf Blitzer and the alterations to the second amendment to announce that Bigfoot is real!


Has anyone emailed or called Minnow films after this new development? It might put pressure on them to finally make a comment. The movie is supposed to be released in a month so I would think soon we should be able to get more information.

Does anyone care enough to try to figure out where the body could be? It is close to 4hrs from Vegas and is right outside a small town. I think that is what he said. There probably aren't too many facilities like that that fit that criteria.

Also, does anyone care enough to start a list of questions here and email it to FB/FB for them to ask in the follow up? Musky has it easy in my opinion being interviewed by those guys and it would be great if somebody else could get an interview.


The other part that has me suspicious is the reference to the "parts of the story that FB/FB and Musky" only know about-what could THAT be? I'm telling you, something here is starting to smell and it ain't 5 month old musty monkey meat


After listening to the vid, I must admit I have a hard time with Musky being the SHILL here. He sounds like he's earnest about his experience. I would like Musky to post up the 9 page NDA with the names DELETED. He should be able to do this without violationg the NDA itself, since we know what type of things it states to put a *collar* on Musky. This would go a long way, in my mind, to debunking the fact he's a SHILL. If he's in on this, an NDA would be a moot point.

Can someone here contact him on his FB page and request this of him?

Guest VioletX

I already explained this. They make big gurneys for hospitals but not for EMS.

Why would a hospital or lab have an EMS gurney Cisco? Can't the man just be using the best descriptive term he knew how to use at the time? If we are going to crack this case based on semantics then I guess it is case closed.


@simplyskyla Musky did state, "other people were there" at the viewing.

Exactly! AND those other people will need to say something. AND they will :music:

His statement said that he was pretty convinced it was going to be real before they got there just for the very fact that it was all happening.

So, how many people are going to need paying off for this elaborate hoax? We have Dyer, his team of not sure how many? His expedition people? Minnow film crew? Musky Allen? Musky Allens lawyer? RD's lawyers who drew up the NDA's?

....thats a lot of people to pay off in this 'hoax'. Oh yes of course! Rick will write a great book all about his second greatest hoax and everyone will buy it and it will give him an income for many years to come plus all the others will go away happy.

....you are all crazy to think this is still a hoax?

You forgot the Minnow Films Sequel, and Mcdonalds Soda Cups and action figures.


@clubbed - September 6th. And supposedly they stayed until Sept. 10th. They better have had it embalmed the same day, because it was a low of 74 degrees with a high of 99 degrees those days. They mentioned no freezing, which is important, because at those temperatures, the corpse would be bones in 9-14 days.

Did you ever watch that show '6 feet under'? I loved that show.

Although your labelling us as such is wrong, wrong, wrong, I will gladly accept it because when this is all over we "girls" are going to "Hab" all of the proof we need.


Although I am being very flippant Violet I'm actually very correct. All we need is Jacki to move to Tunbridge Wells or Cannock Chase and she can join the club! :spiteful:

Guest VioletX

Jrid, I did call a few labs recently, but soon gave -up due to whone numbers not working, emails bouncing back and one negative reply from someone who would not have known anyway. Maybe a fresh eye would do better than me, also it would have added to my phone bill from calling other placeslast month.

I was looking for an off site lab that could work in conjunction with a Univ and it gave me a headache.


Of course I did. But that was fiction and we're dealing with truth. In the real world, decomposition is a scientific fact. I can describe exactly what will happen to you when you die (not how unfortunately -- why take the mystery away? ) and there is nothing that will change it. It's nature doing its thing. Bigfoot is not immune to it.


Does anyone care enough to try to figure out where the body could be? It is close to 4hrs from Vegas and is right outside a small town.

No, we can now eliminate the 4 hour drive stuff. Musky said he landed at 8, went to the hotel to check in, waited around for the other guy who didn't show up, they drove to the location, waited a bit in a coffee shop ... and then it was midnight. Went to the facility after that. So, no 4-hour drive.

Guest thermalman

So what large Universities are there in Vegas to hold such a speciman? (From earlier posts)


The other part that has me suspicious is the reference to the "parts of the story that FB/FB and Musky" only know about-what could THAT be? I'm telling you, something here is starting to smell and it ain't 5 month old musty monkey meat

I heard that inside scoop thing too....I hear red herrings can get pretty rank....

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