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UNLV... Ironically their library is called the Lied Library.

Guest thermalman
Posted (edited)

UNLV... Ironically their library is called the Lied Library.

LOL Plussed for that one!

Edited by thermalman
Posted (edited)

Questions demand answers. If something that doesn't add up, doesn't make you take a closer look at thing, pull on your curiosity or at least take notice, then we wouldn't have survived as a species. With great claims comes great requirements for proof.

I'm sorry I hold higher standards for belief than you. If that's offensive then I sincerely apologize. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head and the terms I used demand or require isn't the same as you're implying. There's no stress, except for those that can be exposed by this.

Phew. Glad you're still kickin'. I felt bad for being so sharp with you. And what I forgot to say to you before, and is also true, is that you have great research skills, and we're lucky you're putting them to use here. :)

Edited by LeafTalker

You forgot the Minnow Films Sequel, and Mcdonalds Soda Cups and action figures.

Yes and maybe there will be a Barbie bigfoot camper outfit!

None of these discussions about storage gurneys embalming matters there is No BF body!!! RD doesn't have one Musky is in on it!! Although its humorous to here all the peeps.who have swallowed all RD is spewing lies deceit have truths conjectures doesn't change the fact he doesn't have the goods


Although your labelling us as such is wrong, wrong, wrong, I will gladly accept it because when this is all over we "girls" are going to "Hab" all of the proof we need.


oh, man.... is it polite to laugh as hard as I'm laughing right now? probably not. :)


Squatch Detective claims he knows Musky's real name, but for now will allow musky the opportunity to fill the rest of the world in on who he IS. Hey Musky! Tell us who you are. Oh I forgot to say please. PLEASE!!! lol ( yes i know your first name is allen )

hold the phone.....Muskyallen is not showing up as a member on BFF anymore.


Phew. Glad you're still kickin'. I felt bad for being so sharp with you. And what I forgot to say to you before, and is also true, is that you have great research skills, and we're lucky you're putting them to use here. :)

Don't feel bad. I research for truth, not my side. If the decomposition stuff could be easily tossed away, I would have. That's why I didn't jump in on the gurney. It's a piece of evidence, but only in a supporting method and one easily dismissed. It throws up a flag, but nothing damning.

Decomposition and emblaming are easily researched, so it's not a great accomplishment lol. Any funeral home and university has everything laid out step-by-step, so it's as simple as following directions to find out the process.

I didn't take it personal ;) I expect to be scrutinized. If i make a claim that it's impossible, it should be questioned and looked into.

Posted (edited)

Yes, he was so interested in the dead sasquatch that the first thing he noticed about it when he walked into the room was the size of his ear canal. Oh and the thin layer of powder on the body.

He sure was quick to mention that powder ... since decomposition was an issue here on BFF.

So this squatch is stored there like that on a gurney in the middle of a cool room day after day? Or are we expected to believe this 500-800 creature was moved to a modified gurney for the visitors?

On this modified gurney, they keep a few bags of hair that they shaved. Did they shave the hair 5 minutes before Musky arrived? Because why would they keep the hair on the gurney? Surely there are counters in this facility or drawers or somewhere more convenient. Were the bags taped off the side of the gurney or was there enough room on the top of the gurney for the bags?

Are we still thinking this is irrelevant? Okay how about the relevant. He did not even lift the lip to see about the missing teeth. This is the guy who said right here that he was out to prove RD was a fraud. You don't want to overstep? Ask the guy in the lab coat to lift the lip. RD said he could poke and prod all he wanted to.

How about asking about the mortal wound? No, the one and only question he asked was about the parasitic powder.

The world's biggest skeptic does not come to the viewing with a tape measure and notebook. 'he musta been at least 8 feet tall' Maybe it was in the NDA not to take measurements.

What kind of security did he see at this facility? The BF is supposedly worth hundred of millions of dollars. Surely this is a high-security facility.

No one prominent in the BF world. Musky said he did not know who he was.

Very good points.

When we have a known hoaxer and liar say one thing and someone who is not a known hoaxer and liar say another, you will understand that I would rather take the word of the 2nd person.

Ok, so from your take here I assume you think Musky was a *naive* participant and not in on this. Ok, let's assume that. It must have been one hell of a mock body to fool this guy..especially given the details he provides and the amount of time (20 min) he was given to look at this body. I thought about the possibility of a fake body...assuming Musky was legit...and I have to say guys...it would be extremely difficult to provide such a realistic corpse...at least in my mind. He described things that require the UTMOST DETAIL..that would take 100 Grand easy. Of course it's within the realm of possibility...I just don't *see* that at this juncture. So, we then have the *SHILL* thesis as the only viable alternative to the hoax theory. Again...Musky sounds very convincing simply on demanor and style...very unassuming and down to earth style. I have to admit, at this point Dyer's got me stumped. I would love to see Musky or Dyer put out a copy of the NDA (all 9 pages with names deleted)) to rebut the shill thesis. Of course they could put out a fake one..but that's not likely in a 9 page document.

Edited by ronn1

The Mystery Observer is going to break this WIDE open!


UNLV... Ironically their library is called the Lied Library.

No way? Priceless. There is something that I am uncomfortable with and that is a search on the internet reveals very little about MA. There's a presumption of notoriety that I have to make. Where is his past discourse and commentary on his famed skepticism on the subject? At the moment this is very telling. If this does turn out to be a hoax, its conception is at once brilliantly simple and elaborate.

Posted (edited)

Ok, so from your take here I assume you think Musky was a *naive* participant and not in on this. Ok, let's assume that. It must have been one hell of a mock body to fool this guy.

No, I think Musky was a full participant. I think there is no body, no facility, no assessment by university people, no NDAs, no baggies of hair. I think the whole thing is a fabrication.

Edited by Belmar
Guest VioletX

The Mystery Observer is going to break this WIDE open!

Who is it??? I have my own private guesses...

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