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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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Another question I have. RD does these supposed hoaxes for money correct? Money from clicks to his site? My question is does LE get involved if a hoax is proven? Wouldn't fraud come into play? Making money by defrauding people is illegal no?

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Guest Particle Noun

This latest misstep in lying about Dr. Meldrum certainly puts this to bed for me (I had already lifted up the covers anyway).

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Wow, this response from Meldrum just put a huge fly in the ointment. Lol.... more like a bat in the ointment.

Unless Musky can talk his way out of this one, the train just came to a sudden and unexpected stop.

I have a dollar that Musky will have a similar response to this:

"I may have not been clear on my statement. I didn't actually send him an email but gave him a verbal invitation via a blog or website. I meant to say that but, in the excitement and because I'm so tired from the trip, I accidentally mentioned emailing him."

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Another question I have. RD does these supposed hoaxes for money correct? Money from clicks to his site? My question is does LE get involved if a hoax is proven? Wouldn't fraud come into play? Making money by defrauding people is illegal no?

Lying isn't a crime. Lying is only illegal when it's used to get money out of someone with something that isn't real. Then it's fraud. But someone would have to pay for something that they didn't get. No one has paid for anything related to the BF body yet. And they won't. This will just drag on attacking anyone who doubts.

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Guest WldHrtRnch

Meldrum uses 'Lol' and writes in ALL CAPS? I'd like to see a screenshot for the final scoop of dirt for the grave of this story.

I can't screen capture it here at work, but I'm looking at it right now on his fb page. It is there, posted by him about an hour ago.

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Meldrum uses 'Lol' and writes in ALL CAPS? I'd like to see a screenshot for the final scoop of dirt for the grave of this story.

Meldrum first told me the entire Rick Dyer story was "dubious", then he just sent me this;

"You are hearing it from me. I had no idea who Musky Allen was. He made no contact with me. There was no discussion of an invitation to Vegas, no appearance fee requested. etc. Honestly, what little i had heard about Dyer i thought was blow over from the Daisy in the Box joke. I had given it no further thought. When I heard who Dyer was, I couldn't believe that people we giving him any deference whatsoever."

So, there ya go.


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Another question I have. RD does these supposed hoaxes for money correct? Money from clicks to his site? My question is does LE get involved if a hoax is proven? Wouldn't fraud come into play? Making money by defrauding people is illegal no?

Making money from websites clicks would not be considered fraud I assume.

Someone mentioned viral campaigns to promote movies and I suspect that is what is going on here. That might be part of Rick D's compensation, he could have struck a deal to help out in this for compensation. He knows all the right buttons to push in the BF world to get folks talking about this and also has the notoriety needed to draw attention.

I don't doubt there will be a bigfoot body revealed shortly before the films premier. No one will be allowed to examine it, at least until it's too late and we all know it was just a bunch of BS pulled by the film company with the help of RD to promote the movie. This is not a serious subject in the eyes of those who don't believe BF exists (a subject such as child abuse, homeless etc), and they would not hesitate to do something such as this.

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I'm going to attempt to think like Rick Dyer:

If I shot and killed a Bigfoot a few years ago, in doing so proving to myself they actually exist, I would want to share my discovery with the world as quickly as possible, as such I'd probably contact the media.

However, if a secret "Men in Black" like organization or government agency actually exists, then it is not unreasonable to think that they would try to cover-up the truth by any means. Any means might be as simple as stating to the media that it was a hoax, and by paying off and/or threatening the witnesses.

But now that I've proven to myself that they actually exist by having killed one, and now I'm privy to the knowledge that cover-ups actually exist too, and since I was humiliated publicly by having to claim my first incident as a hoax, I might want to clear my name by going out and actually killing another Bigfoot, but this time having learned from my first mistakes I would try a different approach to going public.

Its just very unfortunate that Rick Dyer presents himself as not being very smart and quite inarticulate, so it is hard to believe he is capable of anything.

Edited by Mounty
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Meldrum first tol me the entire Rick Dyer story was "dubious", then he just sent me this;

"You are hearing it from me. I had no idea who Musky Allen was. He made no contact with me. There was no discussion of an invitation to Vegas, no appearance fee requested. etc. Honestly, what little i had heard about Dyer i thought was blow over from the Daisy in the Box joke. I had given it no further thought. When I heard who Dyer was, I couldn't believe that people we giving him any deference whatsoever."

So, there ya go.


Ok, I found it. For some reason there was a delay viewing his wall post feed on my ipad. I just wanted to confirm. Yep. This is officially done. It's as some of us thought. Musky Allen is in on it and a character in this. There is no body. There was no plane flight to a body in a secret location. It's an easy hoax to pull off.

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