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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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"Houston, we have a problem!"


Unless these guys are kicking it old school, you would think they would have a web page for their project to post updates, etc. If everything is what Ed Smith says, the Mabrc site is way too slow for something like this ; 0 )

No disrespect to the MABRC website but yes I agree. Then again perhaps they are old school and for security reasons don't want an online presence. If they do have all this fat cash lying around I'm sure putting up a website shouldn't be a huge problem.

Guest VioletX

Quantra meeting tonight ...below is the text from Ed Smith's most recent news:


From Ed Smith, 1-2-2013 wrote:

Its time to clear up some of the background on the Orig-6.

When we began in the early nineties there were six group members, as we worked into certain projects we had helpers those numbered three to five.

As we moved in to the early two thousands it became larger in scope I can say the nineties for us (6) was a lot of fun our projects were small and enjoyable to conduct.

When we started the long range survey projects in the mid to late two thousands, thats when the group went on steroids so to speak. Our contractor numbers went to 22 plus us and we began associations with others in multiple states.

Then when we operated our own DNA project with the results of incorrect primers vs corrected primers it was decided that a body preferably living would be the best course to take.

The capture idea began in the mid nineties mostly with me not so much with the others, but I began with the sketching of trap possibilities and over time the design grew the unit must be strong, stealthy, mobile, and autonomous. The trap units were fabricated in Tulsa at a business associates shop.

In accordance with the protocol and the operations plan, we began slowly to assemble the needed assets, manpower and resources. In the oil and gas business you have to be mobile, durable and reliable in your work, planing and operation. This also provided the perfect cover for operating such a project.

The capture project while under the control of the ORIG-6 had as many as 42 plus us working on it.

When the ORIG-6 ceased operations late last year the movement towards such a conclusion started in late May and early June of 2012. A friend of mine suggested that we (ORIG-6) meet with a group of like minded. but not engaged in BF research, business associates of his, so in May/June of 2012 we had an initial meeting in Virginia. Where they were attending a conference and from this meeting the Quantra Group was conceived.

When the ORIG-6 ceased operations all our projects were terminated except the capture project was passed through to the Quantra Group. All project data past and present was transferred to the Quantra Group. I retain ownership of my written work plans and protocols and such.

I am restricted in discussing any of our past project work for a period of ten years. I am further restricted from participating in research even for my own private enjoyment (trust me there was a price for that one) for seven years.

Four of the ORIG-6 members began with the Quantra Group only two remain. My understanding is that the Quantra Groups operating environment is uncomfortable and that is all I will say about it.

As for the documentaries, the first two volumes are complete and the third is in revision. The ORIG-6 no longer owns the rights to them Quantra is now the owner.

I have posted this previously.

In some of the reporting on blogs and forums that the capture was leaked to me that is inaccurate. The text message was mistakenly sent to me I posted the information. Did I contact a source in the Quantra Group? Yes did and the information was posted.

Could that get me sued possibly but if it wasn't for the Quantra Groups mistake I would have never known.

The meeting with the principles of the Quantra Group is this evening.

I hope this post has cleared up some things for those interested in the work. Have a good day.


Many thanks for the update Violet. It seems to make a bit more sense now but still do not understand why Ed felt he had to spill the beans on a forum in the first place? Surely it was Quantra's right to release the info when they saw fit?

Guest Sasquatchum

Thank you VioletX for posting this, now how many want to wager how long BigfootEvidence will take to 'BREAK' this? I say 5 hours!

Guest reelback
Posted (edited)

In accordance with the protocol and the operations plan,

his also provided the perfect cover for operating such a project.

I am restricted in discussing any of our past project work for a period of ten years.

I am further restricted from participating in research even for my own private enjoyment for seven years.

As for the documentaries, the first two volumes are complete and the third is in revision. The ORIG-6 no longer owns the rights to them Quantra is now the owner.

The text message was mistakenly sent to me

Could that get me sued possibly

The meeting with the principles of the Quantra Group is this evening

All hoax code words. Gimme a break. Sent him a text message by accident and at the same time may be sued and then decided to post it on a public internet forum? Get real.

Edited by reelback
Posted (edited)

Play by Play, Updated:

  • First reported on MABRC forum & Facebook, followed by Bigfoot Evidence on Thursday, December 27, 2012.
  • Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith.
  • The text was sent by a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6).
  • The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured.
  • The Rumour Mill fires up.
  • Dec. 27, D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma.
  • Dec. 28, Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence.
  • Dec. 28, Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites).
  • MABRC website crashes due to too many hits.
  • Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning.
  • MABRC get their website back up and running.
  • D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture.
  • Dec. 29, More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists)
  • Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra.
  • D.W. Lee, MABRC Executive Director, has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient.
  • Dec. 30, Midnight, BFF member and member of MABRC, Driveroperator, explains what he knows about "Team Quantra" & Ed Smith: A group of wealthy and technologically gifted college friends who have, for the past decade, been researching an area in Oklahoma with success, however Ed Smith was too eager to go public and therefore left the group. MABRC was the organization of choice for "Team Quantra" due to Geographic convenience.
  • Jan. 01, 2013, Ed Smith states that he will hold a meeting in Houston on Jan. 02, 2013, between Himself and Quantra. This meeting will be to discuss setting up another meeting between Quantra, MABRC and select individuals.
  • JRid posts on BFF an Archived Radio Broadcast from 2009, in which Ed Smith elaborates on the capabilities of Quantra/Original-6. This broadcast is consistent with Driveroperator's post on Dec. 30. Bigfoot Evidence reports same broadcast a few hours later.
  • Driveroperator alludes on BFF to the possible involvement of legal council regarding Quantra's rights to possession of a specimen. This may explain the time delay & the 90 page document said to be forthcoming.
  • Jan. 02, 2013. Ed Smith clears up background and explains the evolution of the ORIG-6 to Team Quantra: 1.) ORIG-6 founded in early 1990's, small scale and fun. 2.) Early 2000's ORIG-6 research & projects become larger scale in multiple states. 3.) ORIG-6 dabble in DNA, but decide capture of a live specimen is best. 4.) Ed Smith designs a trap - Trap or Traps are fabricated in Tulsa by business associate. 5.) ORIG-6 use Oil & Gas business as cover to hide their growing Capture Project needs. 6.) Capture Project grows to 42+ participants. 7.) ORIG-6 cease operations in late 2011. 8.) Team Quantra formed in Virginia by former ORIG-6 members and like-minded business associates, June 2012. 9.) Quantra owns rights to past research and documentaries.
  • Meeting between Ed Smith and Team Quantra is suppose to take place this evening, Jan. 02 2013, according to Ed Smith.

Edited by Mounty

I can not confirm or deny if I believe this story. lol


This is the same guy with the deformed ape with a yellow collar isn't it? The one that could say anything more because it wasn't his monkey?

Tim B.


I am restricted in discussing any of our past project work for a period of ten years.

I am further restricted from participating in research even for my own private enjoyment (trust me there was a price for that one) for seven years.

Something is getting pretty deep. He's going too far with his claims, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head.

Guest Hawk-o

Its an interesting story to say the least...

Posted (edited)

Looks like the young Bigfoot Smeja put down. So rumors of Smeja's taxidermy sasquatch have been confirmed?

Edited by AaronD
to remove reposted image
Guest OntarioSquatch

I've heard from a credible source, that Edward Smith is his real name. He's been unfriendly with a few skeptics in the past, but he is not known to hoax.

Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

Out of a lot of " holes " and " what's? " for those reading everything......

If O-6 had 42 members, wouldn't one think at least one of them would have come out now?

I am sorry, but every time " Ed " posts something new, it really looks even worse then it did originally.

The capture project while under the control of the ORIG-6 had as many as 42 plus us working on it.

By the way, nice forums :)

Edited by roblester
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