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Oh Dear, Another Body...

Guest VioletX

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Hey Ed- I mean Branco- I mean Ed... I can't keep track of which is which... Its been confirmed that Ed is a hoaxer by Matt Pruitt. How does that jive with your frozen booger news right before that? Maybe Uncle Jessie can call ****** and pull the General Lee out of the mud for you and you can all drive away like moonshiners of old...

Tim B.

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Yet he always follows his stories with hearsay confirmation. And he's still trying to keep the story alive despite what you've hinted at. He's either gullible or involved.

Tim B.

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*The sound of laughter can be heard echoing through a home in Helena, Montana*

We done with the farce now?

Bring on the next Hoaxer...

Edited by PsyShroom
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Branco is NOT Ed Smith, nor does he have any involvement with Ed Smith.

So, you're not going to tell us who Ed really is?

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It is time for either MABRC or the Bigfoot Community to step up to the plate on this. I hope that one of them does.

Kudos to the MABRC for stepping up and doing the right thing !

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The MABRC backed Ed Smith for a long time and this was not the first time this has happened. Why did they wait so long to shut him down. This was a HUGE claim and they just let him go with it? Why?

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I am Rob, I never claimed any such thing.

Oh sorry, I thought you were reporting this tidbit as if you were in contact with him. I apologize.....is your website "Squatch Unlimited?"

That is where I found the statement.

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The MABRC isn't responsible for the actions of Ed Smith. Hairy Man pointed this out earlier, and rightfully so. The MABRC members who dealt with Ed were simply trying to get to the truth, and Ed preferred to use their forums as a venue for his claims. That's not the fault of the MABRC.

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Probably the same reason this forum lets ketchum run with her claims? That has been going on for what seems like an age now and we still have nothing. Or the kitakaze PGF suit thread?

Until something is proven not to be true then I think it's right to let's things run their course

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How long would the BFF tolerate one of it's members coming out with claims like this?

Ketchum does not count as she's not actively posting on this forum.

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In my humble opinion, and this is just my opinion. I think maybe it would have been dealt with in a simular way, I honestly feel that it would be at the back of their minds that maybe, just maybe this thing was true....

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