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Poll: If Derek Randles Says Rick Dyer Has A Body, What Will That Mean To You?

Guest gershake

If Derek Randles says that Rick Dyer has a bigfoot body, what will that mean to you?  

174 members have voted

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Why would you not have meldrum do the examination and get it over with then the money would pour in

I think the answer to that is obvious.

But yeah, Dr. Meldrum saying it's real would get me on board. Too bad his invitation has now been rescinded. lol.

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President Obama, along with a team of top government officials, scientists and physicians, presenting HD footage of the body, necropsy, DNA results and all details on all national and international major news media. :)

Why would you need to have BF researchers/investigators preview the body and present their findings to convince the BF community? If he has a body, he has a body. Show it to the world.

Obama? I dont believe a word that comes out of his mouth!!

I voted that I already believe this is true,and confirmation by DR would solidify that belief. I do have an off the wall question though. Alluding to Njjohns comments about decomposition,I was wondering if taxidermy procedures have been done to preserve the appearance. Of course this is a hypothetical question.

If he had a body..which he doesnt...you would have to skin the entire thing...then produce a custom full body mold to put the skin back on so thats theory is not obtainable

I think the answer to that is obvious.

But yeah, Dr. Meldrum saying it's real would get me on board. Too bad his invitation has now been rescinded. lol.

Indeed; to some of us its quite obvious why!!

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President Obama, along with a team of top government officials, scientists and physicians, presenting HD footage of the body, necropsy, DNA results and all details on all national and international major news media. :)

That made me laugh out loud. Thanks! :)

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lol, I can't decide if that's the world's worst typo, or the world's best advice... :aikido:

lol, It's always good to have a gun. Good Advice.

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It would be a good first step, but independent corroboration is needed, and from multiple sources. until then, it unfortunately continues to smell like a hoax.

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Meldrum would seal the deal. His endorsment would increase the value of the specimen infinitely. Anyone less than a DR. or PHD is hearsay just like Musky Allen.

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Well, I guess the verdicts in, don't think Meldrum wants to go though. Sorry I'm not as qualified as he. I've changed my mind, I won't be posting my opinion of what I see here, or talking about it for that matter. I didn't start this thread and quite frankly I think it's stupid. Maybe you all can contact Jeff and convince him to go so someone "qualified " can report back..lol. I don't think he'll go out on a limb like I will though, so good luck with that.


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Guest miller44

Meldrum would seal the deal. His endorsment would increase the value of the specimen infinitely. Anyone less than a DR. or PHD is hearsay just like Musky Allen.

I seem to recall in the 1980's reading Dale Carnegie's book "How to make firends and influance people" ~I'm not sure if there's been a revised edition since then, but I'm pretty sure the play you just made wasn't mentioned in the original.

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Maybe you all can contact Jeff and convince him to go so someone "qualified " can report back..lol. I don't think he'll go out on a limb like I will though, so good luck with that.

Moot since RD pulled his invitation. Check out what he said in his blog:

"The offer to see the body to Dr. Jeff Meldrum has been officially pulled. Jeff had a long list of conditions for me to do him a favor. That showed me he could care less about Bigfoot. A 1 percent chance of this being real ANY real Bigfoot person would have jumped at the chance with no demands. I couldn't even get it out of my mouth before Derek Randles said he will be there."

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I don't know you at all, but pretty much everyone speaks very highly of you, and I enjoy reading your posts immensely. From what I can tell you are a highly committed and honest researcher who is unswerving in your quest to get to the bottom of this mystery.

I think this thread is unnecessary and has put a bit of pressure on you - something you haven't asked for, though I have been guilty of posting in it previously.

Having read your previous posts here, I was looking forward to someone of "standing" in the community to report back on this whole affair, and your comments led me and a lot of others to believe that you would be completely candid and open about it - and I had no doubt you would have been.

Given your involvement in other significant events recently and the information you have shared, I am at a complete loss as to why you should now have changed your mind about reporting back about your trip. It seems a shame that you, heretofore the only person associated with this subject with any credibility, might make this decision on what, on the face of it, are a few negative comments. But you don't owe anything to anyone, and if you want to satisfy your own curiosity without sharing it, I can understand that, although it goes against everything you have said thus far. But everyone is entitled to do what they like, so that's fine obviously.

I believe this story is a hoax. You have perhaps heard otherwise. As someone who is relatively new to the subject, I have quickly learned that it is almost as much about cloaks and daggers than it is about 16" footprints and sagittal crests. The subject has taken a real battering over the last few months, and I thought this might force a shift to people being a little more transparent. Had you gone and reported back, I would not have necessarily have changed my mind on it not being a hoax, but it may have kept my interest in the whole Bigfoot subject alive as it seems to be waning, especially with this whole Rick Dyer debacle which is, quite frankly, nothing more than a circus sideshow.

I can't speak for everyone, Derekfoot, but I am hugely disappointed in your decision and I can't really understand it. I say this with the utmost respect for you, and it is not meant as a personal attack or criticism on you, but more from a selfish point of view from me.

Maybe others will feel the same, who knows.

Anyhow, good luck.

Best regards,


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Guest miller44

I can't speak for everyone, Derekfoot, but I am hugely disappointed in your decision and I can't really understand it.

I'm assuming Derek's decision is largely a reflection of the earlier implication that even if he views the body that his opinion on the matter is just "hearsay" and not relevant because he doesn't have a M.D. or a PhD beside his namesake.

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I'm assuming Derek's decision is largely a reflection of the earlier implication that even if he views the body that his opinion on the matter is just "hearsay" and not relevant because he doesn't have a M.D. or a PhD beside his namesake.

Regardless, hearsay or not, it will carry more weight than anything Musky Allen says.

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lol, It's always good to have a gun. Good Advice.

Always? I know the Americans and us British will always have huge cultural differences but this is one I'll never get my head around.

Derek are you still going to see the 'body'?

I always thought that the whole idea of you going was to verify what Dyer did or didn't have? I can however fully understand your reasons for not getting sucked into this sideshow.

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Guest squatchinwv

I am sorry if I said anything that offended you Derik I was just saying if you have a body why would you not let Jeff meldrum examin it right of the bat that's what I meant again I'm sorry if I offended you

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