ohiobill Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Got proof of that? If I called the cops and told them a bigfoot was right in front of me eating two of my children 1) I'll never see a cop, because 2) they're too busy laughing. Period. Again, just to be sure I'm not reading anything into this...Are you now stating that if you called 911 and told them sassy was eating two of your children right in front of you that you would expect the cops to respond? 1
ohiobill Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Highly variable w/sustained blowing from what I've seen today. How are they in your area? 1
dmaker Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Well this is confusing. So, some cops will come and cast tracks even while telling you how brave and honest you have been about bigfoot while others will risk their jobs and potentially people's lives while they sit in their car laughing? Yeah, that sounds legit...
Squatchy McSquatch Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 After 75 pages of no Urban BigFooT we can't even find a Suburban BigFooT. Come on. Seriously; There are no FigBootS dumpster diving in Michigan. I'll gladly take the warning point on this one. Nonsense and Horse Puckey.
Lake County Bigfooot Posted June 3, 2014 Author Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) Commenting on the skepticism of some, reports have flowed quite steadily out of the areas just north and west of the Tampa area for some time. I think that if you can come to terms with the existence of this creature, and then come to terms that it exists in almost all forested regions of the country, then you have to realize that some will wonder into populated areas, or even simply choose to live in those areas. I will not waste time arguing their existence, because that seems to me to be another thread, but as to the fact that some of them have moved into semi-urban, or even urban areas with small amounts of habitat, well that is being more and more substantiated. I began this thread for that reason, because of my own backyard encounter, and the acknowledgement that I was forced to come to in terms of where they will go. The debate is welcome on that subject and I suppose if some want to argue the existence well then who can stop them.... Edited June 3, 2014 by Lake County Bigfooot
WSA Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Bill...you are right, sorry. I got my threads mixed up there, while jumping back and forth yesterday. But....I find that (like with anything) anyone's experience with the situations described will inform their interpretation of the content. You choose to see this as "reading something into it", while I prefer to view it as "using and expanding on what I already know." The process is cumulative, or should be. There are people who just have more knowledge than others about certain things. You have that in some areas, I'm sure, as do I. If our subjective experiences in life don't match up, there is nothing either of us can do about that, but it is far, far from a reading comprehension issue. For instance: I don't know what you do for a living, but I defend personal injury lawsuits. I could hand you a deposition of neurosurgeon and ask you to read it. If I asked you what it meant, depending on your own experience in such matters, you'd be able to give me a wide range of interpretations, and some of those would likely be wrong. Am I "reading something into it" if I point out all the points in the testimony you missed? I don't think so. Pick any field of human endeavor, and you could make the same points. Your occupation? Probably could point out a ton of stuff I don't see. Way it goes. Some folks know more than others, and it pays sometimes to listen to what they say. Here we are in the midst of the great information revolution where everyone gets to substitute their opinion for anyone else's. It is an asinine way to approach serious subjects, if you ask me. These folks making these reports? They know things. Count on that. That is why I don't put much stock in anyone who wants to give an opinion who has not immersed themselves in both the evidence and the context of where it was gathered. This includes lots of time on the ground. If you tell me you have that, fine. We are just different cats is all.
Lake County Bigfooot Posted June 3, 2014 Author Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) SquatchyMcsquatch I'll gladly argue that point with you, quite to the contrary I have illustrated several of the semi urban reports that I have found, and in no way have I even scratched the surface. Chicagoland alone has had a fair number of these sightings, both in the outlying rural areas as well as right next door in the forest preserves. Many individuals do not know where to go with these type of accounts and mostly they go unreported for fear of the labels people give to those who claim such sightings. I can only speak from my own personal experience, for that is what changed my mind. That and the research I began prior to that experience which made me consider the various travel routes that could be used at night, and the places they could hide during the day. Really it is not at all that difficult to get your head around when you begin to Google Earth the sightings, and see the correlations. So to those who question how these creatures could move into such areas, if only briefly, then I challenge you to conduct your own research and I think you will come to the same realization. Edited June 3, 2014 by Lake County Bigfooot
dmaker Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Commenting on the skepticism of some, reports have flowed quite steadily out of the areas just north and west of the Tampa area for some time. I think that if you can come to terms with the existence of this creature, and then come to terms that it exists in almost all forested regions of the country, then you have to realize that some will wonder into populated areas, or even simply choose to live in those areas. I will not waste time arguing their existence, because that seems to me to be another thread, but as to the fact that some of them have moved into semi-urban, or even urban areas with small amounts of habitat, well that is being more and more substantiated. I began this thread for that reason, because of my own backyard encounter, and the acknowledgement that I was forced to come to in terms of where they will go. The debate is welcome on that subject and I suppose if some want to argue the existence well then who can stop them.... How, exactly, are they substantiated?
ohiobill Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 LCB - Responding to the ease with which unverifiable reports are routinely pointed to as "evidence" isn't really skepticism. It's common sense routinely used by all types of professions and in all walks of life. MD's don't believe everyone coming in with a gunshot wound is an innocent and upstanding citizen or that every teenage pregnancy is a virgin. Police don't always believe the stories they get from people who are involved in a fight or traffic accident. Parents don't always believe the stories of their children. Lawyers usually object to hearsay being used as evidence because they can't verify or even examine the witness. You wouldn't allow your child to be suspended from school on the basis on an anonymous report would you? Would you agree to being banned from this forum due to an anonymous charge of hoaxing? I think that if you can accept that many sassy encounters related on the internet are hoaxes (Toejam, Dyer, Standing etc) you can understand that even BFRO reports can be wrong. It doesn't mean that sassy can't exist or that every report is a willful lie like many seen on the internet. Personally, I would expect sassy to thrive in FL where food is available year round and temperatures would make living easier. Just because I think it's more believable that sassy would do well in FL doesn't mean I should believe every report coming out of there. I think a reasonable approach is to look for corroboration from trusted sources that are available and, in my opinion, better trained and equipped to handle an investigation than a volunteer BFRO investigator. Police, Fire, EMS, Animal Control, etc handle millions of calls every year and WILL come if called despite what anyone posts on the BFF. Do you believe that if 911 is activated that folks in FL will get a response? Do you think I could find any examples of emergency calls responding to wildlife encounters in FL? Do you think it reasonable to expect someone who is scared terribly to call 911? Where are the reports? Where does that leave us?
Guest DWA Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Here we are in the midst of the great information revolution where everyone gets to substitute their opinion for anyone else's. It is an asinine way to approach serious subjects, if you ask me. These folks making these reports? They know things. Count on that. That is why I don't put much stock in anyone who wants to give an opinion who has not immersed themselves in both the evidence and the context of where it was gathered. This includes lots of time on the ground. If you tell me you have that, fine. We are just different cats is all. MAJOR truthtelling within. Handle at own risk.
WSA Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 I think anyone would be a fool to believe that an encounter report can't be hoaxed. What do you do with that reality then? Because people lie, do you disbelieve anything anyone ever tells you? Seems a very strange way to live, if so. I think we are all capable of better judgment than that, or we should be. If you can't trust yourself to know good information from bad, I can't help you much, but don't think your limitations are shared by all. They aren't.
dmaker Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 That is why I don't put much stock in anyone who wants to give an opinion who has not immersed themselves in both the evidence and the context of where it was gathered. This includes lots of time on the ground. If you tell me you have that, fine. We are just different cats is all. What is the benefit to immersing in anonymous anecdotes? The truth of them can never be determined. They are a suspect, weak form of evidence. Why spend all that time reading something that you have no way of knowing if it is true or not? In fact, in a field that is rife with previous dishonesty? I don't put much stock in anyone who wants to pretend that a pile of anonymous anecdotes tell a truthful story of a monster among us.
Guest DWA Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 ^^^Right. One can't just read. One has to think about what one is reading. In some fields the most basic science is actually pretty durn easy to do for some non-specialists. Zoology is one of those for me. I don't care how many degrees you have. I can generally tell when I'm being snowed by somebody in this field who hasn't done their homework.
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