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Ok, This Might Sound Harsh, But..........

Guest keninsc

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I've had some of those experiences, MIB. I don't know if that is infrasound or not, but I don't think so.


I'd like to hear your thoughts if you wish to go into detail.  


From what I've read about infrasound experiments, everything I've experienced could be attributed to infrasound.   That doesn't mean its the right answer.   I am pretty confident infrasound was a component of the third thing I mentioned.   Some of the specific components were definitely wave-based/wave-induced.  That doesn't preclude the possibility of something else going on as well.


PM if you'd prefer. 



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Whales, elephants,[13]hippopotamuses,[14]rhinoceros,[15][16]giraffes,[17]okapi,[18] and alligators are known to use infrasound to communicate over distances—up to hundreds of miles in the case of whales. In particular, the Sumatran Rhinoceros has been shown to produce sounds with frequencies as low as 3 Hz which have similarities with the song of the humpback whale.[16] The roar of the tiger contains infrasound of 18 Hz and lower,[19] and the purr of felines is reported to cover a range of 20 to 50 Hz.[20][21][22] It has also been suggested that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid.[23] Elephants, in particular, produce infrasound waves that travel through solid ground and are sensed by other herds using their feet, although they may be separated by hundreds of kilometres.




Infrasonic 17 Hz tone experiment[edit]

On 31 May 2003, a group of UK researchers held a mass experiment where they exposed some 700 people to music laced with soft 17 Hz sine waves played at a level described as "near the edge of hearing", produced by an extra-long-stroke subwoofer mounted two-thirds of the way from the end of a seven-meter-long plastic sewer pipe. The experimental concert (entitled Infrasonic) took place in the Purcell Room over the course of two performances, each consisting of four musical pieces. Two of the pieces in each concert had 17 Hz tones played underneath. In the second concert, the pieces that were to carry a 17 Hz undertone were swapped so that test results would not focus on any specific musical piece. The participants were not told which pieces included the low-level 17 Hz near-infrasonic tone. The presence of the tone resulted in a significant number (22%) of respondents reporting anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear, chills down the spine, and feelings of pressure on the chest.[32][33] In presenting the evidence to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Professor Richard Wiseman said, "These results suggest that low frequency sound can cause people to have unusual experiences even though they cannot consciously detect infrasound. Some scientists have suggested that this level of sound may be present at some allegedly haunted sites and so cause people to have odd sensations that they attribute to a ghost—our findings support these ideas




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BFF Patron

The movie industry seems to already know this.    During any scary or high energy crash scenes, etc where they want you ramped up, they introduce a lot of subwoofer that does not necessarily have anything to do with the sounds you should be hearing along with the movie.    The intent seems to be to get emotional response from the audience.    Next time you go to a movie listen for this.    Randy

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For myself, I have seen these subjects up close and know they exist.  I have no desire to be the one presenting the Holy Grail of proof to the world, but I do enjoy sharing with others that are interested.


As with many other sources that have been fully documented, they looked extremely human like to me rather than some dumb monkey or ape.  Their eyes and face projected expression that showed emotion.  I would no more shoot one of these subjects than I would another person, but having said this, I would not hesitate to use deadly force if threatened out there.   


Having said this, I also know some of these subjects run in family groups and clans.  A hunter or researcher should consider that if they do take one of these subjects down in a remote section of the woods, there could be others lurking unseen nearby.  They can move and jump extremely well and can throw objects hard, fast and accurately.  You might not seen that 100 mph fastball before it cracks upside your head. 


One group of about a dozen men confronted and shot several back in the 1800's in the deep south.  Only one of them made it out alive.  A return party found their rifles twisted around the trees and the men ripped to shreds. 


I won't try and change anyone's thinking, but one should consider attacking one of these powerful creatures poses a very real and serious risk.  It will not be an easy turkey shoot for sure...  

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^Very true, if these creatures are real, your words give great pause in pulling the trigger. I wonder how many times people have decided not to shoot because of how their sighting went down.

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SSR Team

I won't hold my breath.

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Hello BobbyO,

I won't hold my breath either waiting for DWA's retraction for erroneously stating that there are "numerous" examples of "unknown Primate DNA". I'm trying to get the word out so members, both old and new, will know that the "numerous" examples do not exist and therefore not to waste time asking for links to them.

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Guest LarryP

Hmmmm ... not to that degree, but it definitely can be unpleasant.    I was going to say I wouldn't wish it on anyone but that's not true.  I can think of a couple scoffers whose explanations after the fact might be entertaining.






But my guess is that the "scoffers" would never return here again, and as a result we'd never get to be entertained. 

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Guest Crowlogic


One group of about a dozen men confronted and shot several back in the 1800's in the deep south.  Only one of them made it out alive.  A return party found their rifles twisted around the trees and the men ripped to shreds. 




Never heard this one but it is a perfect example of unsubstantiated deep past pseudo proof.  Actually not really proof but a means to add substance to something that exists without substance so far.  A dozen men shot a few and all but one ended up dead?  Exactly how big then is a Bigfoot clan/family?  Must be huge and if it occurred in the age of repeating rifles then there really must have been many.  If so why so invisible?  Of course the return party didn't find anything other than the shredded men and bent rifles?   Where can this account be read?  Where did you hear it?

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....you're out hunting or whatever, you see a Bigfoot at close enough range to be sure it's not a human in a monkey suit or another hunter in a ghillie suit. You have a gun.


Do you take the shot?


Now I know there are member here who belong to organization that are "no kill" organizations. It's not my intention to upset or offend anyone, but in order to prove this thing exists, then you're going to need a body and dare I say it, very likely two or more because one could be considered a fluke or nature and blown off by science.


Me? I'm taking the shot. 

You shoot something with out  knowing what it is, I hope you enjoy wearing a long number on your back!

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Guest keninsc

Ok, the other day I was in a rather nasty mood and I took it out on BobbyO. Just so everyone knows I'm quite ashamed of my conduct and have apologized to the Admins, and will make a private apology to BobbyO. I don't usually fly off the handle like that, but like I said I was in a nasty mood. I'm going to have to learn not to reply when I'm in a mood like that because I sort of loose it.


So, anyone who was shocked, offended, fainted at the keyboard, wet themselves, or just sat there wondering WFT? I'm very sorry and will try not to let that happen again.



You shoot something with out  knowing what it is, I hope you enjoy wearing a long number on your back!


You obviously need to reread that again. If it isn't a human then it's a target as far as I'm concerned.

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...Just so everyone knows I'm quite ashamed of my conduct and have apologized to the Admins, and will make a private apology to BobbyO...

Good for you, man. Speaks well of your character, and glad to have you aboard.


So, anyone who was shocked, offended, fainted at the keyboard, wet themselves..


Hey, didn't do any of those things. Too busy hoping everything would turn out for the best. Looks like my patience was rewarded :)

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Keninsc- Actually If I were you at this juncture I would at the very least know what constitutes a game animal, what constitues a varmit and what the hunting regulations pretaining to your perticular state are. Also you may want to identify what your target is in knowing what it is also, just saying.

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