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How Sure Are You?


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My experience has two phases...a visual at night of a young Bigfoot and an aural encounter the next morning.

There are times I start to talk myself out of the visual and start to believe my mind is "filling in the blanks" of what I think I saw.

There is one thing that no human can change my mind about, however, and that's the sound that was directed at me the next morning. The volume and frequency was far beyond human and far beyond what any technology existed in my area at the time.

I am a believer.

Having said this, I will tell you there is one group of folks amongst Bigfooters that drive me nuts and often cause me to distance myself for periods of times. It's the folks that say they are in possession of photos/videos so clear and unmistakable as to leave no doubt yet they "can't" share them.

It's like a scientist watching a group of his peers struggle over the cure for cancer and then saying, "my family cured cancer years ago but I promised my grandfather I wouldn't share the secret because he didn't want the attention."

Sorry for the minor rant, I don't mean to offend or single anyone out....just frustrated.

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Sorry you feel this way, but what would you say if someone here had a pic, posted it and the next thing they heard was increased traffic at their home, stalking, out of state license plates on trucks with guys and guns in those trucks?  Your peace and security at your home has now been exposed to crazies who would love to bag one???? 


Meanwhile your family and you have now been jeopardized and threatened because your security and peace is no more. 


I will say what I please about photos and never will I apologize for not showing what does not belong to me except without their permission. 


Not taking this personally but thought I'd bring it up again...................

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Im about 80%.... All the evidence, footprints, vocals and sightings are enough to convince me of that. I just need to see one to be 100%, Im sure that is a pretty common statement.

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@leaftalker - if you post a pic of a bigfoot on this website what makes you think anyone would even have a clue where the photo is from?  It doesn't make sense Leaf.

Here's an example - I will send anyone 50 dollars if they can tell me where this pic was taken within 1/4 mile. (first 3 correct responses will be awarded).  Y'all can PM me with the location.


I hope I'm not 150 bux light come tomorrow.





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My experience has two phases...a visual at night of a young Bigfoot and an aural encounter the next morning.

There are times I start to talk myself out of the visual and start to believe my mind is "filling in the blanks" of what I think I saw.

There is one thing that no human can change my mind about, however, and that's the sound that was directed at me the next morning. The volume and frequency was far beyond human and far beyond what any technology existed in my area at the time.

I am a believer.

Having said this, I will tell you there is one group of folks amongst Bigfooters that drive me nuts and often cause me to distance myself for periods of times. It's the folks that say they are in possession of photos/videos so clear and unmistakable as to leave no doubt yet they "can't" share them.

It's like a scientist watching a group of his peers struggle over the cure for cancer and then saying, "my family cured cancer years ago but I promised my grandfather I wouldn't share the secret because he didn't want the attention."

Sorry for the minor rant, I don't mean to offend or single anyone out....just frustrated.

Since I have been involved in the BF world for over 10 years, and have yet to see any real progress even with the Ketchum and Sykes essentially ignored studies, I totally understand your frustration. One day, and I hope that it happens before I die, proof positive will occur, and I will finally be able to tell hubby and the skeptics here "I TOLD YOU SO!" 

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@leaftalker - if you post a pic of a bigfoot on this website what makes you think anyone would even have a clue where the photo is from?  It doesn't make sense Leaf.


Cotter, I think you meant Sunflower, not me -- but I bet Sunflower said what she said because she knows people who have had the experience she described. 

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^I apologize.  Got my wires crossed.


I can see how it could happen IF additional location info was given.  I mean, there was a BF sighting on my GF's parent's property about 7 or 8 years ago and they had to run folks outta there woods for a few weeks afterwards.  It wasn't a bunch of gun crazy rednecks though.


But as I challenged above, a photo posted with clear footage doesn't give out enough info to have it happen.


(btw, I've no PM's so there's still some money to be made if anyone can tell me where that pic was taken!).


Thx for the correction Leaf.


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Interesting, about your GF's parents house. Yeah, that type of thing is what concerns a lot of people. And some BF hunter types are not very scrupulous and not very nice. I would be very concerned about someone digging around and getting info that they shouldn't have, and that would have appeared to have been "safe"... Seems to happen all the time. 


I've appreciated what you've been saying recently about not worrying about BF in the woods. I think your attitude is great. People, however, are much scarier to me than BF, so I have a lot of sympathy for anyone who doesn't want to share photos (which, of course, is their right).


And there is nothing "life or death" about any of this. This is not about curing cancer, or curing anything -- except the fear-driven behaviors that keep us attacking each other for things like not sharing photos. That's what all this BF stuff is good for: illuminating those not very developed parts of ourselves that could use some developing. 

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Glad you cleared that up, I've been a little busy and missed this one til now.   Thank you.


And I am plussing your above comment.


My location (that is the gifting area) is totally secret and I would advise others to do the same.  There are way too many accidents.....

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My location is secret, too. It's great advice, Sunflower -- and your original post was great, too. (I think that's my plus on it. My memory is shot, but I think it is.)  :)

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