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Eye Glow Seen In New Jersey By Law Enforcement Officer


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I doubt any account that suggests glowing eyes. Reflective eyes... sure. Glowing eyes... eh, not so much. There is just no precedent for this, evolutionarily or otherwise.

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^^ There was no precedent for a round earth, either, at one time.   For a thing to be known, someone has to notice it first and share. 


The people who have told me about seeing focused beams originating in the eyes seem otherwise credible and as confused about the "how" as I am.   If it does prove to be something else ... and I mean PROVEN, not just empty claim, rationalization, or dismissal ... they'll be as happy to know as I am.  'til then, we'll take it as real and try to figure out what it is and how it works.   Science, y' know, not just scoffing?



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If we knew anything about astronomy at the time, we would have known that there was an enormous precedent for the earth being round. At the time, we had yet to observe an entire planet and therefore, we had no evidence to base it off.


We have observed... safe to say well over half of the primates on this planet. I'm not naive enough to say nearly all, but we have probably scientifically described near the majority of the earth's species of primates. Not one of them has bioluminescent eyes.


You wanna talk about squid, we can go on and on about squid with bioluminescent eyes. But not a single primate.


I'm not saying this reasoning has to be good enough for anybody else, but I consider myself to be, for all intents and purposes, a man of science. I dont believe that there is any type of scientifically valid way to reach the conclusion that sasquatch, if real, has bioluminescent eyes. I will go as far as to say that if I, myself, observed a bipedal primate in North America or otherwise that had the outward appearance of bioluminescent eyes... I would most likely chalk it up to some other factor, environmental or otherwise. 

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I can't push it aside and ignore it.   I investigate if I can, otherwise, I set it aside temporarily, but I have every intention of figuring it out eventually.  I'm a little manic about solving puzzles.


IMHO, doing real science does not include discarding inconvenient data, that's just as much a hoax as inventing data.   My science teachers insisted that I include the anomalous data in my results and address it in my results and conclusion.    Those anomalies are starting points for future investigation.  



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i dont get why you need people to let you and your friends take them to prime BF spots? why dont you just go and have the experience yourselves


There are some very remote areas in Southern Oregon, one area was a small mining camp back in the 1800s. BF was reported back then and presently. Since then the trails have grown over, there are no roads, and it's hard to hike in. My 67 birthday is coming up and one knee has been replaced. This area is only for extremely good hikers, and those who can handle camping and studying BF for long periods of time.   


Back to eye glow and ordinary eye shine or eye reflection. Who am I to not believe credible witnesses? How many witnesses have we heard from? Seems like BFRO would have lots of reports since many see BF at night around camps, but don't mention this trait. Can BF turn its eyes on then off? When BF sneaks around a camp and stares in from a distance, will the dim fire light make its eyes seem to glow?

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Georgerm, I think that anything that might be considered too "fringe" is probably removed from the BFRO reports. Seems that I read that somewhere.

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In the reports I've read, several witnesses have mentioned how they seem to glow but also as if they are on a dimmer switch.


Friend's pic was in the afternoon, a young one standing at the edge of the woods, it's eyes were starting to glow from a pinkish orange color but she didn't stick around to see them go to bright red.


My honest opinion, after thinking about this for years, is that I think it is connected to their emotional state.

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Guest lightheart

There was a conversation on the BFRO forum about a month or two ago discussing eye glow. I was surprised but there it was.

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There was a conversation on the BFRO forum about a month or two ago discussing eye glow. I was surprised but there it was.



Moneymaker has said he believes in it several times on that godawful show.

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  • 7 months later...


I understand how this can bother some people and that is why I thought it was important to note that someone as well known as Matt would mention it.(and "tell you where you heard it first" MM)

I don't know how they do it but that they do. The red eye glow I saw was within 12' and as big around as a 50 cent coin(1.25"). I was not shining a light on it or have a light on at all. I have a friend that's career Army(24 yr. SF sniper) and he has seen them change color while he was looking at them. Kinda like a big mood ring.

I am pretty sure the red eye glow means: NOT happy


Good Post!

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I have personally seen silvery whitish, brother saw what he described as "amber" and a friend took a photo while a juvenile's eyes had starting going from pinkish orange to ????

It was in rave mode !!

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I saw some BFs last night in the edge of the woods & their eyes were shining yellow. They were flickering on & off, I suppose when they blinked. It was the first time I have ever seen them actually shining bright without a light being shined toward them. I have seen the muted green glow a few times with no light to cause it, & the red reflection, but this was a whole different experience.


It looked like 6 fireflies hovering in the same spot, blinking on & off.

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