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Olympic Np Chief Ranger Admits Bf Is In Park


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Hello All,


It has been a week gone by since Derekfoot's post about checking on permission to elaborate on the story.. Any word?

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When I reported my sighting in Alaska, the range r's words were, "Yeah, we know about them. They are called Wildman. They are shy and won't hurt you. Where did the sighting take place? Did you collect any evidence?

My sighting and report was back in '96 or '97 on Army base Fort Wainwright.

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So how does this work? If Academia doesn't know about this species, but the NPS does? Why the skullduggery to hide it? What would it mean to the Olympic National Park to have such a species showcased as apart of their park?


Hopefully they aren't talking about Mike Dodge......:)

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Hello Norseman,


And that's just it isn't it? If the NPS knows then it would follow Academia does too. I don't think letting that particular cat out of the bag would be so good. 

Edited by hiflier
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Bigfoot sightings are so rare that a very small percentage of outdoor type people ever see one.  After living for 66 years in Oregon and doing a fair amount of remote forest fishing and exploring excursions, I may have seen one BF but not likely. This creates a problem for many witnesses............ridicule and mockery. Why do some come on the forum with code names? Employees in the BLM, Forest Service, and Park Service that report a sighting are subject to ridicule. These two poisons are deadly with peers and employers.


Now if BF sightings were prevalent, then the equation reverses itself. It's a perfect storm, which prevents BF witnesses from coming forward regardless of their position in government or private employment. My bet is we have supervisory and top government officials that keep their sightings quiet. It's not some well coordinated cover up, but a method to avoid the ultimate social and professional downfall.................mockery.


If a cover up exists, then top echelons in the park service and else where use mockery to suppress spreading this knowledge to subordinates imho.



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Sorry, been gone a lot...mostly in the Olympics lol!!   I do not have permission to give the persons name, and now wondering if there are two separate accounts.  What I will say though is a fairly high up person on the park staff did report a sighting to a friend of mine while on duty.  The person was sitting down in the forest...park, and watched one walk by his position.  He saw it very clearly from the waist down.  Hair covered legs walking like a man.  Apparently it was close and very clear.  Probably didn't see the rest of the torso due to the heavy brush.  Still attempting to get more info, and permission to give more particulars.


I'm guessing the person will not want to share their story, for all the obvious reasons, but I will try.  I personally would love to interview this person.  BTW, this does come from a very reliable source.


IMHO, the park staff does indeed know about Sasquatch in the park.  I've talked to several rangers in the last thirty years, and I have gotten other reports from them, but without exception...they do not want their stories told.


When we first started the Olympic Project, we did hang a few  cameras in the park.  We did not know it was illegal.  We had a feeling that it might be, but we didn't know for sure.  I guess we figured that we weren't causing any harm, and didn't think any of our cameras would be found anyways.  The cameras were placed in extremely remote areas, way off trail and mostly on ridge lines.  One of our camera sets was placed on Appleton ridge in the Sol Duc area.  This was indeed one of our most remote sets.  After a camera check, I was back in my office checking photos, and a upright brown figure started to appear in frame.  Instant excitement went to disappointment when we saw that it was a person.  It was a woman dressed completely in brown, with a back pack on.  This was during the time before we hid our cameras well.  She walked up to the camera and looked directly at it.  It was going to be another month and a half before checking that cam set again.


About a month later I was at a gas station near Lake Crecent, and there was a park Ranger there.  I asked her what the legalities were as far as game cameras in the park.  She instantly said..." It's illegal ".  I asked why, and she could not answer me.  She then went on to say..." It's funny you ask, because we just recovered two cameras in the Appleton area.  Red faced, I said...." Ya, they're mine ".  She then gave me a card for the head ranger in that area, and said I should call him.  I did, and arranged a meeting.  

Turns out, the woman in my photo was an owl biologist.  When she hiked down, she reported our two cameras.  The lead ranger hiked up and cut my cables, and removed the cameras.


On the day of my meeting with the ranger, I drove up the Sol Duc.  When I got to the ranger station a very cocky ranger waked out and told me to get back in my vehicle.  I thought this was strange.  I was in an unmarked vehicle...shorts and boots...hillbilly style.  Nothing about me said Bigfoot research.  After instructing me to get back in my truck, the first question he asked was..." Are you doing Bigfoot research? ".   I said, " well yes I am".  I tried to have a conversation with this guy, but he was way to important to converse with me.  He made me feel like I'd just robbed a store or something.  Didn't like this guy at all.  I then proceeded to try and get my cams back.  He said that I had to pay a ticket....two tickets actually.  He said I had to pay $ 150.00 for cutting two dead limbs out of the way of the camera angle, and another $ 120.00 for placing the cameras there.  I asked..." Is there a law against placing cameras in the park? "  He said yes.  By this time I was getting irritated with this mans attitude.  I insisted that he showed me the law.  He told me to wait in vehicle again, and returned to his ranger shack.  I sat there for over an hour waiting for him to bring back documentation of this law.  Well, lets just say I got tired of waiting, and walked into the ranger station.  As I walked in the door he glared at me.  I informed him that I was pretty sure it was legal for me to walk into a public ranger station.  I then asked again for documentation of this law.  He continued riffling though his paperwork with a frustrated look on his face. About 20 minutes later he presented me wit two tickets.  One for cutting two 3/4 inch dead limbs from a large tree, and a ticket for abandonment.  


What it boiled down to was, he could not produce a law for game cameras, so he ticketed me for abandonment...for leaving cams in the park.  He said if you leave something in the park for over 48 hours, it's considered abandonment.  I was not amused.  He then suggested that I could apply for a permit to hang cams in the park.  He then produced my cameras and informed me that they had erased some of the pictures on my card disks.  He said he erased the pics of him recovering the cameras.


At this point I just wanted to get my cams and get out of there.  On my way out the door, I did turn around and ask.......hey suppose I hang cameras, and then recover them within 47 hours....that would be legal...right???  He glared at me some more, but didn't answer.


I did think it was strange that the first question he asked was, " are you doing Sasquatch research? "  I also was upset that he erased my pictures.


I then got the info I needed and proceeded to apply for a permit.  Talk about flaming hoops!!!!  My god, you would think I was trying to get access to the white house.  Dr Meldrum and Idaho state university even backed our effort.  They told me that it would need to be in the name of science, and that I would have to be university backed.  We obtained everything they asked for without exception...and after a six month process, their board of directors turned us down flat.


At this point, I gave up.  I realized that in no way shape or form do they want us doing BF research there.  Hmmmm...


I don't say hardly anything definitively about BF research,  but I will say, there are indeed Sasquatch in the Olympic National Park.  And I'm quite sure the people that run the park know this.  I will also say that they don't like us doing our research near the park.  Had a call two days ago from another ranger checking on my guide protocol.


Just last weekend a crime investigation ranger came onto my property asking my guests questions in a very rude manor.  I was on the mountain hiking, so I missed his visit.  Probably a good thing...I would have given him his rudeness back and instructed him to vacate my property.


Long story short, I'm positive they know, and they're not at all comfortable with us conducting our research near the boundary.



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Thanks Derek. Like most other things involving bigfoot, we are only left with guesses. Darn bigfoot is just a big ol' tease.

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Hey Derek, if a person can find your cameras you need to hide them better. A BF is likely to be a lot more aware of what is going on in the forest than a human. Keep up the good work BTW.

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Guest lightheart

Well I guess that just shoots down the whole "If a body had been found we would know argument" used by the general skeptic. I say "Fat chance of that"........

The thing that cannot be controlled is the amount of information now available on the Internet and the number of camera phones being carried. I think because of the work of people like Derekfoot and Meldrum the threshold is close to being breached. The truth about them will come out. The tide can only be held back for so long.

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Hi Derek -


Thanks for the detailed reply.


Yeah, I may lose a couple cameras that way this year ... but maybe not, and if not, maybe I'll get something.


How often do you get BF activity in camp?   One of the things I'm seriously considering is starting to hang a camera covering my tent and the area surrounding it.   I've got one location I've been approached twice ... and I've only been there 3 times.   I don't think placing a game cam in my backpack leaned against a tree or to my food bag hanging up outside camp is illegal.   And if the BF really do detect my cameras and avoid my tent, then I'll get a better nights' sleep.   Really no lose other than carrying the weight of a camera and some batteries around.



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The park service are Nazi's, and I count my lucky stars that there are no parks around me.......

And that's my only problem with the Olympic peninsula, that darn ole park just dominates most of it.

Our kids put out camera traps for school projects on the national forest for crimeny sakes. Where is the harm is that ?

And abandonment huh? If you could get a camera and card that had a encrypted pass code? Then they could never check how long the camera had been there.

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Just a thought ....was the area your cams were placed in (big "W") Wilderness w/in the Park? That could explain a lot of the Ranger's 'tude.

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They must hire from the shallow end of the gene pool.  One of them once accused me of being a male prostitute and said I couldn't park where I was because there was a history of that there.  I was so upset I reported him to his supervisor and that was much better than the treatment I got from a different one.

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