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Olympic Np Chief Ranger Admits Bf Is In Park


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Guest ChasingRabbits

Just a comment on NPS Park Rangers....


I live near many DOI/NPS sites ranging from historic homes/buildings to forts to a Civil War era POW camp.  Over the years, I've asked Rangers if these sites are haunted. If the Rangers are on their own (no other Rangers, tourists in sight), they tend to be more frank and they've told me 'yes, there are ghosts here' or 'no, there are not.' I've gotten the cryptic reply of 'even if there were, I don't think that's relevant to the historic significance of this site.'


The Rangers at the Civil War POW camp keep a log book of the ghost encounters that occur there because, officially, they think it's a fun activity for the tourists since the site has the haunted reputation. I was at another DOI/NPS historic site about 50 miles away and I asked the Ranger(s) if the place was haunted. They rolled their eyes and told me they personally haven't witnessed anything but visitors and others claim to have things happen to them. When I brought up the log book at the POW camp, they rolled their eyes again, smirked and said they knew about that but laughed it off saying the Rangers there were a little off their minds.


So, I think it depends on the "culture" of the NPS site whether or not these events are acknowledged, publically or privately.


I can also see why they don't want to acknowledge these events: publicity. For every serious researcher, there are jerks who go out with the intent to destroy/damage. That's why I keep mum about cemetery sites and houses: I've seen other sites destroyed or defaced by "researchers" interested in drinking and partying at these sites.


I imagine the BigFoot/cryptozoology field have their share of these pirates. And imagine the damage they can do to BigFoots with their antics (or what BigFoots can do to them....)


I know I'm a newbie to this forum and I've already stepped on the soapbox. Egads! :swoon: 

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Hello ChasinRabbits,


Welcome to the soapbo.......er, Forum then. Lots of just about everything here and as you can see by this fine thread members are digging in their heels for answers and are actually doing the hard work required to help find those answers. Find a comfy chair and enjoy yourself!

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