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I can't say that I ever heard them call their dogs, but one whistled like "heck" for his coyote one afternoon when I threatened to shoot it if he didn't get it away from my chickens. Maybe he was yelling to it in mindtalk too, I don't know.


A researcher was here one night filming with night vision, & did a very authentic whoop. Next thing he knew, he was filming a coyote bouncing toward him through the tall grass, exactly like a dog running to meet his master. I'd been telling him.......


So maybe they call them with whoops, too.


As the writer points out. It's very significant that the dog was large and black.


I could further elaborate on my own personal experience involving 7 large black dogs one night.


But the forum rules wouldn't allow that due to the remotely religious/spiritual overtones involved. 


So why mention it then?

Guest JiggyPotamus

I too would concur that human characteristics are attributed to sasquatch too often, or any human pets for that matter, but in this case I cannot be sure such an explanation is well-founded. I say this because it is not unheard of for non-human primates to get extremely attached to other animals. Chimpanzees in particular have been known to keep pets, but I remember some of these instances involved chimps in captivity. But I imagine that they could do it in the wild as well, if it were practical. There are certain animals that they would not naturally come into contact with in the wild. So if other non-human primates exhibit such behavior, it is not out of the realm of possibility that sasquatch might do it.


An animal such as a dog could definitely take up with a sasquatch. I find nothing astonishing about that, as long as the dog was raised from a pup. It will know the bigfoot as its companion, similar to how raising certain animals together will accustom them to each others' presence. I've seen snakes and cats sleeping on each other, and that is not even the strangest combination. So if a bigfoot has the opportunity, I find it plausible that occasionally a pet is made of an animal. They would be in a great position to find animals when the animal is still a baby, and thus it is not impossible. The idea that dogs hate sasquatch is just not true. A dog who barks or growls at a sasquatch does not know what that sasquatch is, or who that sasquatch is. Dogs who like certain humans may not like other humans, depending on what they have been conditioned for.


It is virtually impossible that sasquatch would not have certain human characteristics emotionally speaking. Other primates show emotion and certain forms of intelligence, so a sasquatch must also possess such characteristics. All primates do to a certain extent. So the question is not whether they behave or think like humans in certain instances, rather the question is in what instances, and how often? That is my opinion anyway, but I admit I could be wrong.


Could have been 10 feet. That was just an estimate.


OK, so assuming there was actually a dog 8 to 10 foot up a tree, how do you suppose it got there and why would you think it had anything to do with bigfoot. What type of dog was it? Large or small breed? What was it doing, just laying on a limb?



Certainly picture worthy, she could have made the evening news with that one.


interesting, if BF call coyotes with whoops, then perhaps one of these BF project groups could try that as a tactic also..... however, that finding bigfoot show whoops a lot, and I don't recall them calling in coyotes, so maybe not.

would BF have a preference between wild coyotes or domestic dogs & what about wolves? and which would be more easily manipulated through mind control?

as for a BF / canine connection, some (not all ) of the purported recordings of BF sound like 'yotes imo.. and they can make some freaky sounds. perhaps mistaken ID accounts for some of those recordings.


Maybe those BF shows need my former researcher to teach them how to whoop. He may have a special talent or something. I never thought much of some of the efforts on the shows. Even Bobo is several octaves too high to be believable....especially by a "pet" coyote.


I have no idea what their preferences as to canine companionship are. I'm not a dog person & don't really care.


There was no mistake in that video, nor in what I saw the night that I watched a large BF, surrounded by several coyotes, walk across a clearing behind my house.


BFs can make some freaky sounds too, but I don't have to base my opinion on sounds.

Posted (edited)


Was the BF smoking a cigarette?

Edited by will
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Posted (edited)

I remember reading several reports out of westmoreland county Pennsylvania where people had seen them walking with what they said were large dogs.  just sayin.


also, why wouldn't they like dogs..  who couldn't like dogs, dogs are great animals!

Edited by Rex

Hello Rex,


Dogs are smart and can easily adjust behavior for a free meal.


They like white ones, too. I have a picture of one of their white ones, peeping out from about 8 feet up a huge oak tree in my back yard.


They also have various other pets such as racoons, birds, & panthers. A little white female here carried a couple of baby pigs around with her for awhile. I never knew if they were pets or future snacks, but she kept them pretty close.

I saw the video you posted in the other thread, and I have seen dogs climb before.  But what about this made you think the dog belonged to BF?  Can/will you share this picture with us?


Well, yes I will, N4E!


Lets start out slow & see how many of us can agree that indeed, this is probably a white dog.


Then we'll move on to a bigger picture. I've already included a red circle before somebody finds it necessary to ask for one.





FWIW....or to add to the discussion....at our old house where I had the activity and sighting, my Pyr always seemed to get along with BF. She is white and at the time ....still a pup. My other two dogs....older....an 11 year old lab mix and 6 year old Boxer ALWAYS ran for the house when any suspected activity was going on. She would run to the fence wagging her tail. The reactions of my dogs at the old place is interesting in light of the fact that we have now moved out of state, out in the country and all three dogs freely use the fenced backyard. Their reaction at times was witnessed by myself, hubby and a few others. But I was the only one who heard whistling a couple times and watched the Pyr run to the fence wagging her tail.


Whatever is in that photo looks to have a short snout, and looks more feline than canine.

FWIW....or to add to the discussion....at our old house where I had the activity and sighting, my Pyr always seemed to get along with BF. She is white and at the time ....still a pup. My other two dogs....older....an 11 year old lab mix and 6 year old Boxer ALWAYS ran for the house when any suspected activity was going on. She would run to the fence wagging her tail. The reactions of my dogs at the old place is interesting in light of the fact that we have now moved out of state, out in the country and all three dogs freely use the fenced backyard. Their reaction at times was witnessed by myself, hubby and a few others. But I was the only one who heard whistling a couple times and watched the Pyr run to the fence wagging her tail.

How do you know it got along with bigfoot? Did you ever actually see a bigfoot?


Yes, and it was her reaction running up to the fence and wagging her tail that helped me to know that I wasn't imagining what I was seeing. The other two dogs scooted as fast as possible back into the house and one, the lab hid under a table. Yes, I was stunned....at both what I was seeing and how my dogs reacted.

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